December 12, 2008


I think the gig is up! A few days ago my oldest was asking a lot of questions about Santa Claus. Then yesterday he came to me with a covert plan to set up video surveillance to catch the big red jolly fat man doing his thing. I tried to explain that smarter kids than him have tried to catch the big man in action and failed.

My performance wasn't all that convincing though. He had all the evidence he needed . Photos of him at the mall with Santa. Video of Santa rolling down the street in a parade. And commercials, those damn commercials, on every channel. Proof that Santa can be recorded.

In the end I feel like I may have bought him another year of believing in the actual man and sled routine but I'm still going to check the chimney for tripwire and motion detectors before I put the presents out this year.

I'm not ready for Santa's visits to stop yet.

I ... He enjoys the milk and cookies way too much.


Jen said...

I'm crossing my fingers for you!!
Check the couch before you carry anything into the room, he might be hiding behind the cushions.

Save the cookies, down with kids!!


David said...


Does mike still believe?

Daughter of Night said...

It broke my heart. Every time. I was NEVER ready for it.

BUT... once the kids figure it out, I always bring them into the conspiracy: I tell them that I believe in Santa Claus because I AM Santa Claus... and now,so are they. I tell them that the spirit of Santa can only live if we all help the little ones to believe, because that's how we remember to keep the spirit of Santa alive in ourselves. So far, all of them have enjoyed being part of the Great Santa Conspiracy.


David said...

I was going to explain about Santa being the spirit of Christmas but making him part of it is perfect. Excellent suggestion!!!

I was worried about the younger two having the magic spoiled too soon. Your suggestion should do the trick.

*two thumbs up* :)

Jen said...

Mike does still believe and I imagine he will for a while longer. He has a great imagination, so he wants buy to buy into all the mystical stuff out there.
That's what I'm hoping anyway!

I agree, Daughter has the best suggestion! Luckily, Mike is all I'll have to worry about... No accidental spoiling for the younger ones.