April 01, 2007

Lead me not into temptation

The other day I was asked by a friend of mine to compete in a bench press competition he was planning on having at our gym. We had been to a few competitions out of town together so I guess he wanted me to represent our gym in my weight class. I don't travel anymore for competitions but the local ones can be a lot of fun. The one at our gym should be small, just the locals and a few hardcore out of towners.

I told my buddy I would let him know as I was dealing with some injuries that were keeping me from lifting heavy. He gave me a little grin and said he had something that could fix that. He went on to tell me how steroids would help heal some of my nagging injuries and help me compensate for the others with greater strength. This wasn't the first time this buddy or others had approached me about taking steroids. It was just the first time I even considered it.

To make matters worse my buddy bumped into the wife a few days later and mentioned it to her. My wife has always been completely against steroids but I could tell, as she relayed his message, she wouldn't object if I wanted to try them. An obstacle removed.

Of course I'm around people who use them all the time. I've even had a few partners that used them. It's never bothered me that others use them, unless they were dishonest and claimed to be natural. Truthfully, I've always taken a lot of satisfaction and pride in being natural. Especially when I was able to beat a juicer in a competition.

I wouldn't mind competing either. Sure people see you lift in a gym but they fail to realize doing it their way and doing it the right way changes everything. When rules are applied those big gym lifts seem to vanish for most people. It gives us veterans (old timers) a little advantage on our younger competitors. A good lift at a competition can get you respect for at least a year.

So the temptation is high. Taking them would all but guarantee me a win in my class and have a good shot at winning the whole event. I'll be in good company too as at least half the people there will be taking them. Without the wife's resistance it will make my decision easier.

After much thought, as tempting as it sounds the answer has to be no. Even if everybody else doesn't care I do. I would rather sit on the sidelines than have to resort to using steroids to win. A win like that is a lose in my book. My buddy won't understand, my wife might not either but I'm the one who has to live with it. I was tempted though... and that scares me a little bit.


harbinger said...

No,no,no,no,no,and no..IMHO. You are correct sir. That is fake. Even the winner on steroids is a loser.

Freak said...

The psychological effects of steroids are hurrendous.

I use to know someone that was on them and he was a moody fucker with an ugly attitude towards everything - everyone hated him!

You don't need steroids. You just need rest and good health as you have said before. Competition often = danger. You must step back and look at the bigger picture before delving into any temptation.

David said...

I agree HB, 99.9%

lindsay: I have been around those guys that can't seem to handle it. I've seen more than one fight due to steroid rage but it's different for everybody. I think that part depends on your personality. I have that put a mirror under his nose to check if he's breathing personality, so I don't feel that will be an issue. You never know though.

You are absolutely right about the big picture. The injury rate increases in some areas. I once saw a guys forearm break in half on a lift when his strength out paced his bone growth. The other issue is money. Why spend that kind of money for a little trophy and a little pride? Oh, and it's illegal too.

It's just so hard to let go of something your good at and love but that's just part of life, I guess... *shrug*

Daughter of Night said...

I'm proud of you. If the decision were easy, it wouldn't be called temptation.

Two words I have about steroid use:

Testicular shrinkage.

Time Traveller said...

What exactly are the side affects?

Don't worry too much, we all get tempted to do things we're not supposed to do. The important thing is that you knew in your mind that you would get no satisfaction from it in the long run.

I'm surprised your wife wouldn't mind though? I guess she might have known that you wouldn't do it anyway and wanted you to know that it was your decision. Clever lady :)

David said...

Daughter: you just had to go there didn't you LOL But a very good reason not to use steroids. My boys are happy as is thank you very much ;)

20 Something: After I posted this last night I told the wife I wasn't going to take my buddy up on his offer. She said "I knew you wouldn't, hell you barely even take aspirin" I guess she knows me better than I know myself :) so you were right.

Time Traveller said...

As I said clever lady ... :) Its good that you aren't going to take them, but it's better that you're doing it for your own reasons not because your wife told you not to.