August 26, 2007

Life or Death? I'm confused

On most subjects I have a good idea where I stand. On moral issues... well that's even easier. So I was shocked Saturday when I was listening to a talk radio program and had absolutely no idea how I felt.

While coming home from work a weekend host that I don't usually listen to was on the radio. Mike Gallagher is a just another in a long line of conservative talk radio host. So it didn't surprise me when I heard him talking about the death penalty and a man who is scheduled to be executed in Texas very soon.

The victims brother came on the show and they were discussing how the usual anti-death penalty crowd was rallying around this man Kenneth Foster Jr. Mr. Foster was convicted in the death of Michael LaHood Jr who was twenty five at the time. I was thinking how typical, these same people can run to support these murders but never seem to care about the victim or their family. The death penalty doesn't bother me as long as justice has been served fair and complete. In this case Mr. Foster was found guilty by a jury and has not been over turned in the appeals process.

I was about to turn the channel when someone mentioned that the man who shot the victim to death has already been executed. What? Yep, it seems that Mr. Foster was the driver of the 'get away car'. He didn't actually shoot anybody. In Texas and other states the law states he is just as guilty as if he pulled the trigger.

At first I thought ok, fair enough. They were targeting women that night to rob and carjack. They had already perpetrated five crimes before the murder. They followed the victim's girlfriend to his house with the plan to rob her at gun point. Mr. Foster knew all about it. What they didn't know was the victim was in the car in front of her and went to her rescue when they all arrived at his house at the same time. Foster drove them there and he drove them away.

The problem is, the more I thought about it the more I wasn't sure he should be executed. I've always thought the death penalty was for those who directly commits murder. Did this guy know his partner in crime would shoot the victim? I doubt it. Would he have driven him had he known? More than likely, yes. They had been assaulting people all night.

So now I'm in an unfamiliar position of not knowing how I feel about an issue. So what is justice in this case? I wish I knew.


Daughter of Night said...

I'm going to reserve my comments on this one.

I just wanted you to know I was here and that I support you!! :-)

Freak said...

They should bring the death penalty over to this country! Have you seen the film Monster? Based on a true story - I can't remember the woman's name, I think it was Irene something or other - but you couldn't help but feel sorry for her towards the end.

David said...

Daughter: :( & Thanks!

Lindsay: I did see Monster and like you I had some sympathy for her. I'm sure most people on death row have a sad story to tell but there are millions that have a sad story that never resort to murder as the solution.

A bit before your time but if you get the chance watch the movie 'Wisdom'. If nothing else you'll get a good laugh at my generation. This cheesy movie from 1986 is a great example of a guy who for what seems like all the right reasons breaks the law. You can't help but pull for him as he acts like a modern day Robin Hood. The best part is at the end when he wakes up and you realize he was dreaming. He then laughs at anyone (the audience) who would be crazy enough to make a hero out of the law breaking character he was dreaming of.

harbinger said...

You know my opinion; KILL THEM ALL!
Then maybe in a few hundred years the human gene pool might be rid of the humans that can assault and murder and prey on the innocent.

David said...

HB: you're right, I knew that would be your opinion :) and I have no problem with it. I just can't seem to get off the fence in this particular case. Aggravating to say the least, because I know where I want to be.

Jen said...

I'm not a great one for an opinion because I'm always too wishy washy.

He knew his partner in crime had a gun. You don't carry around a gun to scare people with/use in a crime unless you're;
1.) Stupid
2.) Ready to shoot someone
So even if he didn't know that someone would be killed, he was fully aware that someone COULD be. Why involve yourself in that if you're not ready to sit in the chair afterwards?

On the other hand, if this was my brother going down death row for being the get away driver and he truly didn't know what was going to happen, yeah I'd think he made some fairly stupid choices but I would have to defend his right to live.

It's easy to make choices about how someone should have done something from over here. I've got the bonus of hindsight, and I've never had the burden of making that particular choice for myself...