September 25, 2007

1-2-3-4, Apple please.. no more!

I just want to say the people at Apple are geniuses!

Last night I was watching a show I had recorded. When the commercials came on I moved my thumb over to the fast forward button but I couldn't push it because I was mesmerized by the new ipod commercial. Maybe it was the way the woman was throwing her hips around or the rhythm of the music but this wasn't the first time I had been captivated by an Apple ad. Damn they're good at catching your attention.

Funny thing is, the first time I see their ads, I think they're stupid. Now I can't get that tune out of my head... 1-2-3-4, tell me that you love me more...


harbinger said...

1-2-3-4, your post was the second time I've watched it, you are right, they know what they are doing.

Time Traveller said...

haha! I know exactly what you mean! :)

Jen said...

Thanks for getting it stuck in my head too!
I really really really want to spend serious money at the Apple store.

Daughter of Night said...

I refuse to give these people any more of my money. I don't care how cool that stuff is.


It's just lip service, y'all. I want an i-Phone so bad I can already feel it in my hot little hand.

Anonymous said...

Apple... grrr argh. Don't get me started. Aesthetically pleasing but from a technological point of view, not great. And they force you to buy Apple with Apple. No open source.

Time Traveller said...

darren: yeah but apple stuff is SO cool :) itunes pisses me off though.

Anonymous said...

Grrrrr. Rage building! Face going red! Blood vessels about to pop!

You said it all there in one sentence. They are SO cool, but they piss everyone off. It doesn't do what you want it to do.

David said...

Sorry guys, misery loves company. I was just wondering if I was the only one being caught.

Jen: If there is a program you want for your Mac let me know.I know a guy who might have it. Like maybe the latest version of photoshop?

Daughter: I hate cell phones but I must admit I can picture myself carrying one of those cool i-phones *ahh*

If you want a good laugh go to this page It's the best page in the universe. Click on the link about the i-Phone and be prepared to laugh your ass off. Warning though, it is a little crass. Let me know what you think if you don't mind :)

Darren: I have a few issues with Apple myself but they have always been cutting edge. That's why everybody steals their ideas.

I think their brilliance is the simplicity of their new technology.

20 Something: itune pisses me off as well :(

Anonymous said...

Please don't get me started......

Apple cutting edge. Pffft... They just have great marketing people, and know how to advertise.

David said...

Come on! Give Apple its due.

Apple didn't invent everything I'm about to list but they either used it in such a way that people could understand it or in such a way that it heavily influenced like technology.

The use of a mouse (created by xerox) with a personal computer.

The Macintosh computer in 1984 that allowed desktop publishing

The Mac operating system 1989( used years later as the model for Windows 95)

Quicktime - Hello!

The Newton - while not the first
PDA or even a successful product, all PDAs that came after were modeled after it

The iMac

The Power Book 100 - Not the first laptop but innovative enough to bring on the laptop boom




OSX - I haven't used this system much but I have read that Microsoft has once again "borrowed" many features from it for its NEW Vista operating system.

This is just off the top of my head. There are many, many, many more. :)

Anonymous said...

The first mouse sold with a computer for personal use was a Xerox 8010 Star Information System in 1981.

Apple stole the idea (which you claim everyone did from Apple) and paid nothing for it.

The mac was not designed for Desktop publishing, a company called Aldus just wrote the first desktop publishing application, a year after the Mac was released. Any machine would have done the same thing.

Ok Mac 89 = Win 95 but that does not mean it was an original idea. Check out the history of Amiga and you will know what I mean.

Cant really argue with Quicktime, Media player was a full year behind.

Your PDA argument is exactly what I was saying. They didn't invent it, just made it look pretty so others copied.

You can't credit Apple with the laptop boom. It happened around 2003/2004 when prices dropped and Dell I believe were the number 1 retailer at the time. If anything you could say Dells direct sales model is responsible for the laptop boom, even if it will be their ultimate downfall.

iMovies, iTunes, iPod - all fancy packaged, over priced clones of already existing products. iTunes wouldn't have made it without the iPod and the iPod only made it cause it was cool looking. It doesn't have the best price, features, sound or value for money.

OSX - Yeah Vista has some of its ideas, but then OSX stole some of windows. I mean Apple have stopped making their own hardware and are now putting Intel chips in their systems and have moved to an x86 architecture. Windows can be installed on Mac's and OSX can be installed on your average pc. I used to have XP and OSX dual booting on a laptop.

So to sum up, Apple = very few ORIGINAL ideas but good marketing and sales. It all goes back to the Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs dilemma. Wozniak was the tech and Jobs was the businessman. Who's richer now, and guess why?

David said...

Your marketing observation is spot on as well, that's exactly what this post was about.

I understand that Apple didn't invent all of these things. I'm also not trying to say that everything and everybody stole from Apple. The point I was trying to make was that a lot of Apples products are so cutting edge (even if they invented the technology or not) that others pinch their ideas because they take it to the next level. Firewire is a great example of what I'm talking about. Yes, Texas Instrument had a hand in it but when Apple started using it it was cutting edge technology that no other major player had committed to. Now everybody does.

The design of the Powerbook 100 is still the basic blue print for most laptops used today. So my point again, something Apple designed in 1991 is still relevant today.

Back when I was a Mac user and Microsoft would introduce something, we would laugh, because in a lot of cases we were already doing it.

So to sum up, Apple = very few ORIGINAL ideas but good marketing and sales

Very few compared to who?

I look at it like this. Man went to the moon over thirty years ago but if Apple took that same technology and capability and built a car that could go to the moon, I would say that car was cutting edge. As long as it came with a USB port for me to plug in my ipod so I could enjoy my music on the way ;)

Anonymous said...

Firewire is not used all that much anymore. It only really had a brief stint. USB 2 is quicker.

I think we may have to agree to disagree, because I think Apple nicely package current technology and while it looks good, it tends to be very restrictive in how it works.

David said...

Fair enough!

Since I don't own any stock in Apple, I really have no need to be thier pitch man :D

Anonymous said...

Ah, I'm not the only one.

David said...


I know the feeling many people have for the loyal Mac user. I have almost been thrown out of many electronic stores for asking about Macs.

Me: do you have computer memory?

Computer department sales guy (CDSG) : What's it for?

Me: um...*wisper* a Mac


Me: what do you have?

CDSG: Nothing for Macs

Me: can I see the memory you do have

CDSG: take a look, nobody carries anything for Mac :)

me: Oh, its the same, it will work :)

CDSG: oh :( I didn't know they were the same

Me: do you have a internal network card

CDSG: Not for a Mac, we only have ones that fit in a PCI slot.

Me: that's what Macs use

CDSG: oh :( I still don't think it will work



Anonymous said...


See Mac's aren't real computers.

Jen said...

My Mac is real...