September 10, 2007

Stupid Enlightenment

A few days ago a lady walked into my office to do a little business. I didn't recognize her but she thought she recognized me. She asked me if I was the guy that helped her father a few years back. When she said her father's name I realized I was and then I remembered, helping her dad was the dumbest thing I've ever done.

Her dad was a preacher at a small church in a small town near where I work. He ran a few trucks to supplement his preacher's pay. He was a nice guy and very old school. He had learned that I was a scuba diver and had come to me for some help. He had been bass fishing and lost his expensive trolling motor off the back of his boat. He asked me if I would go to the spot where he lost it and see if I could find it.

He told me it was about 15' off shore in a sandy bottom river. Easy as pie I thought. So I agreed. He told me to come to his house on Saturday and we would take his boat to the spot. Hold on, why did we need a boat? It was just easier he said.

So we met on Saturday and he took me to the spot. I knew immediately I had no business making the dive. I could try to describe it but I think the picture below tells the story. The picture is very close to what the place looked like.

At that point I should have said no but my pride and willingness to be the hero overrode safety and my common sense. So we put the boat in and of course, instead of going to the open water in the middle, he drove over to a group of trees off to the side. The middle would have certainly been the best of two evils. The trees are where the alligators and snakes hang out. Still, acting like the man I'm not, I jumped in water and went under. The water was black. I couldn't see 6" in front of my face and that was with a dive light. I literally hit the bottom before I saw it.

I should have gone back up at that point but, well you know, pride and all. So I started groping the ground to see what I could find. It didn't take long before I felt a large tree on the ground. As I went to climb over it I felt something on my back. I tried to back up but something was in my way. Alligator was my first thought but no, this was solid. I was stuck. Had I not been under water I'm sure the sound I was making was much like that of a little girl squealing. After I calmed down I realized I had crawled under some fallen trees. I couldn't see them but they were above me in every direction. Slowly I felt for passages that I thought would be big enough for me to fit through with my air tank. Yes, I was scared.

When I made it out I headed straight for the surface. I told the preacher what I had found. He looked around and pointed to another spot he thought the motor may have been. And what did my dumb ass do? Yep, I went back down where he pointed and found more of the same. After 20 minutes I came to my senses. If I had gotten stuck under a tree there was no one coming to get me. Not that they could have seen me if they did. I was being stupid and I knew it.

When I surfaced and called the hunt off the preacher was disappointed. I could see it in his face. We took the boat out of the water. I dreaded the ride back to his house but something amazing happened on the way.

We started talking about religion. At first it was an uncomfortable subject between a Jew and a Christian preacher but I soon saw that he was listening to me and not preaching at me. I listened to him too. Neither of us trying to convert the other. We agreed on so many things and very easily let the stuff we didn't agree on go. I enjoyed the conversation. As I started to get out of his truck he thanked me. He thanked me for my fellowship, for my friendship and the chance to get to know me. The lost motor was a forgotten item. Amazingly, I left feeling happy about the way it all turned out.

The preacher died the next year, he was all of 56. His daughter told me how he appreciated me going with him that day. Apparently, he never mentioned the missing motor again but he did mention the discussion we had on the way home that day. Every time I think of that day I can't help but think how dumb I was and scared. The funny thing is, I'm glad I did it, not because I made it through a scary situation and live to tell about it but because of the fellowship, his friendship and the chance to get to know him. There was nothing dumb about that.


Jen said...

Your pride makes me giggly.

It's a treasured story. I'm glad you chose to share it with us!

Daughter of Night said...

Thank you, RT. I feel lighter because of your story. :-)

harbinger said...

Wouldn't go anywhere where alligators roam, no way.
Good one RT.

Anonymous said...

Good story. Had everything, love, religion, danger.

The Irish way of doing things however, would be laugh off his attempts to get the motor back, tell him so alligator is tearing up the swaps with it on his back, then take him to the pub to help him drown in his sorrows, and probably have the same conversation, but a bit more slurred.

Time Traveller said...

'what did my dumb ass do?' LOL! :)

You're so funny. That is exactly the kind of situation that scares the crap out of me - being stuck under water in the DARK. I don't know how pot holers do it.

Nice story though. :) It's amazing how a certain situation can turn into something completely different - and you end up talking to someone you never imagined having a real discussion with. :)

I like also how you take the positives out of every situation. It's a good way to live. And the sign of a mentally calm person.

David said...

Jen: Giggle all you want, but my pride almost got me killed :)

daughter: your welcome, I just wanted to remember that part of it. What happened after he died almost brings tears to my eyes even today.

Hb: actually that was the second time I went diving when I knew an alligator was near but we don't have a problem with that gator anymore, if you know what I mean ;)

darren: Ha! Thanks, next time I'll try it the Irish way because it sounds a hell of a lot better than what I did. Lesson learned

20 Something: Yes, I was some kind of dumb. At one point I thought about finding a safe place on the bottom and sitting there until enough time had passed to make it look like I tried. Then I realized he would see that my air bubbles weren't moving.

Funny how you start thinking of dead bodies and such when it's dark and you're alone. *shiver*

I'm not sure if being that scared led me to be more open with him but yes, it ended up being a very positive experience. Thank you

Freak said...

It's a lovely story!! Pride is a crazy but ridclious thing indeed! But it paid of well.

I couldn't have done that you are very brave, very brave indeed!

I agree with 20 something for sure about being mentally calm. I wish I was more like that - I just panic too much!

I once heard this story about a guy who hadbeen bitten by a poisonous snake. He knew that he was pretty much going to die because the snake was lethal.

However he also knew that if he panicked he would send the adrenaline round his body quicker causing the poison to spread throughout. Therefore he remained calm and didn’t panic until he could receive help.

Guess what? He survived because he didn’t panic!!!!! Amazing.

David said...

There is a fine line between brave and stupid and I crossed it in this situation. I didn't feel brave when I was down there screaming like a little girl. :)

That is an amazing story about the man and the snake. If one bit me I don't think I would panic either. I'm pretty sure I would just pass out and die, seriously. :|

Jen said...

Yeah, well I'm still giggling.

I like thinking of you two riding home afterwards with the laughter that comes from being glad your alive.

And you're right, your pride did almost get you killed. And unlike men filled with pride your not bragging about how you faced the crocks and lived to fight another day. Your admitting where your brain stopped, and your testosterone kept going. That in itself is an accomplishment babe.
It's something that I can't always do, even after the fact.

So, yeah I'm kinda giggly...

Time Traveller said...

'At one point I thought about finding a safe place on the bottom and sitting there until enough time had passed to make it look like I tried. Then I realized he would see that my air bubbles weren't moving.' LOL! God how long ere you stuck for? I panicked a bit when I went scuba diving - although that was in clear warm blue waters - WITH an instructor. That was scary enough for me.

Even when you thought you were going to die - you were thinking of how to make yourself look brave? :)

Hang on? finding a safe place on the bottom Are there any safe places at he bottom? :)

David said...

Jen: riding home afterwards with the laughter that comes from being glad your alive

Funny, he never seemed to acknowledge that there was any danger to any of it. At one point he offered to tie a rope to me so he could pull me up if something happened. The rope would have done me in for sure.

Yeah, I can admit it was stupid and I was scared but then again this is an anonymous blog. The wife still gets pissed at me every time I mention it.

20 Something: I was only stuck for a few minutes, long enough. It was when I went back down and realized the trees were everywhere that I thought about sitting him out.

Safe on the bottom? After getting stuck, any place unobstructed on the bottom felt safe. *nod*