November 18, 2007

If not jail... hell would be even better

This is the kind of stuff that I can't understand and it makes me want to hurt someone. Last year a 13 year old girl committed suicide because of a prank that was played on her Myspace page. Apparently she was a troubled girl that had been fighting depression but was working through it.

She started receiving messages from a guy named "Josh" on her Myspace page. Over a six week period they became friends. Then "Josh" turned on Megan and started leaving mean messages. According to Megan's dad the last message "Josh" sent read as follows.

"Everybody in O'Fallon knows how you are. You are a bad person and everybody hates you. Have a shitty rest of your life. The world would be a better place without you." ...

It was the last message Megan would ever read. She hung herself in her room a few minutes later. It's a tragic story but that's not the part that pisses me off. After looking into the situation the police discovered that "Josh" never existed and that he was in fact created by a family in Megan's neighborhood. Worse the parents of a friend Megan had a falling out with were involved in the prank.

As if all that wasn't bad enough, these people have not broken any laws and can't be charged with anything. Stories like these give "Justice is blind" a whole new meaning and they make me sick.


Daughter of Night said...

A tragic tale, indeed.

Yet another example of the isolating nature of technology... with every new technology, people become less and less human and more and more removed - from themselves, from each other, from reality.

But that's only MY theory.

To think that the parents of the prankster were involved allows me to reach a new level of disgust... sadder, still, to know that those folks probably STILL sleep well at night.

Jen said...

Yep. This story makes me all twisty inside.
I'm still hoping the asshole parents who participated in this fiasco get some sort of payback. I try not to cross my fingers for that sort of thing very often but it's hard not to in a situation like this... Fucktards.

Daughter touched on the height of my anger... "sadder, still, to know that those folks probably STILL sleep well at night."

That's it for me.
I want them to not sleep well at all.
Or maybe sleep very well. While their house is on fire.

David said...

Daughter: Good point about the "isolating nature of technology". I agree with you on that. It makes it too easy to go after people without actually confronting them.

I'm going to guess you're right about them sleeping well too. They filed a lawsuit against the dead girl's family for damaging some property they were storing for them. People do have nerves if nothing else. >:(

Jen: Fucktard is a good word for them. Adults aren't suppose to act this way. I just want to know on what planet these adults thought it was ok to treat a child like that? And since their daughter use to be friends with her they had to know about her past depression. Grrrr is right!

Jen said...

"I just want to know on what planet these adults thought it was ok to treat a child like that?" -RT

As a society, we make it okay.
We let these people get away with murder, literally, and then make them face no law. They're not punished, or persecuted. They won't ever pay for they're indiscretion. So why wouldn't more people act like this? There's no bad side to being an inhuman monster!


Our society makes it okay.
We deem it acceptable to let these tyrants live on within our walls.