March 20, 2008


I hate Heather Mills. I know hate is a harsh word and that is exactly why I used it. Why in the hell does this platinum digger think she is owed Paul McCartney's fortune? Yes they have a child together and the child is certainly entitled to live at the level of her dad but from what I know about Sir Paul there is no doubt that will be taken care of. He raised four children. He has more than proved he values family and takes care of his. The question is, what does Heather Mills deserve for three years of marriage?

I say not much. She has added nothing to Paul's financial wealth or success. No sane person could argue that without Heather Mills Paul's career would have been different. He was stupid for not signing a prenuptial agreement but should his stupidity be her financial gain? Lets face it, if stupidity was always paid for in dollars, most of us would be in bankruptcy by now. I say that the fact that he didn't draw up a contract is proof that he loved her and was expecting the marriage to last. Where can I find evidence of love and long term expectations on her part? I see none.

Apparently the courts agree with me. While the millions she was awarded seems like a lot, it is but a small amount for Paul to be rid of her once and for all. I can only hope for the sake of their child Heather will not try to use their daughter as a pawn to extort more money from Paul. Sadly, I fear this is exactly what she will do. Judging by her reported character, I can foresee years and years of her dragging Paul back to court to shake a little more money from his Apple tree.

So while Paul may be too nice or too scared to say it, I am not. What a bitch. Linda must be turning in her grave. Grrrr!


Time Traveller said...

I feel really sorry for him. It's bad enough splitting up from someone as it is - but for them to try and screw you for money and realising that's all they ever wanted must feel absolutely awful :(

As you say he didn't draw up a prenup because he loved and trusted her.

She was just after money - lets hope it makes her happy.

Daughter of Night said...

Thank heaven she's the only one who HAS to live with her. I so often wonder how some people sleep at night.

David said...

Lets hope she chokes on the money.

People like her probably sleep like a baby. Screaming and crying, keeping everyone awake, until they get what they want. I hope one day nobody changes her diaper >:(

Jen said...

Good post, RT.
You hit the nail on the head with this one!
She gives me the willies.

Time Traveller said...

Daughter of Night
Her daughter has to live with her :( (doesn't she?)

Anonymous said...

The thing is, people are fabricated by their experiences in life. If you mistreat an innocent child instead of nurturing it, they have a much greater chance of becoming psychologically imbalanced in later life. From analysing this woman's behaviour in various interviews, she can be clearly seen to be dealing with a lot of issues - some or all of it could be related to her childhood perhaps - I'm speculating a lot here. I don't condone her behaviour in the least by the way. I think she is a visual representation of todays issues in the world today - hatred, greed and fear being most apparent in her behaviour when interviewed. What is it that has made her this way? She didn't just suddenly become a fear driven person over night.

I find it sad to hear fellow citizens like yourself say that you 'hate' someone who's background you or I cannot possibly know - you and Heather seem to share the hate word so I say truly and deeply reach inside and ask yourself the question: what it is about Heather you hate? I'm going to speculate that since neither of us know Heather the person, or what has made Heather this way, that you are projecting on to this woman something that is inside you that you don't like.

David said...

Well anonymous, I can see your point. She is the way she is for a reason. We should try to understand her pain and have some sympathy for her situation.


Listen, I know where you are coming from, I really do, but I wrote this sort of tongue-in-cheek. I don't REALLY hate her. Actually I feel sorry for her. But, her bad experiences in life doesn't give her an excuse to act like a spoiled brat. She is damaging people's lives in an effort to grab money and the spotlight for herself. It's just plain sad.I believe one way you help people is by HOLDING them accountable for their actions. That way they realize they are doing something WRONG. That should be a signal to change their ways or get help. The problem with Heather is that she doesn't recognize she has a problem. As far as I can tell that is. Because as you pointed out, I don't know her.

I do find it hilarious that you judged me for judging her. If you would have taken a few minutes to read my blog you would see I don't need to project anything onto anybody. I'm flawed and I admit it.

And, welcome to my blog :)