March 21, 2008

Men get scared too

It takes a pretty good horror movie to raise the hair on the back of my neck. Most of them anymore are just blood and guts being thrown all over the screen with a few people or things jumping out at you every few scenes, yawn. I can only recall a few movies that got under my skin in a way I didn't like.

There was that disturbing little boy from
The Shining. Redrum! Redrum! That stupid puppet from Magic. Puppets themselves are just plain creepy. Get one to move on its own and you have my attention. And those four strange Teletubbies my kids watch on TV. Could you imagine waking up with one of those things next to your bed? I would honestly die.

Last Saturday night I was at home. The family was down in Florida visiting my son's best friend. I had just sat down to watch TV and this movie trailer came on.

About five minutes later the power went out. It was 10:00 at night, I was home alone in a pitch black house and I didn't know why we had lost power. I can't deny the images of the clip popped into my head a few 100 times. I guess that's one of my worse fears, people with bags over their heads in my house. Luckily the power came back on in just two hours. It seems we had a few tornadoes in the area that had knocked down a few houses and things. It wasn't baghead people cutting my power line. Whew!

So now I can't get that line out of my head from the clip.

Why are you doing this to us?

Because you were home. (So simple it's scary because, well, I'm home sometimes)

Yep, scary stuff, I can't wait to see it.


Gordo said...

OMIGOD, I can't wait for May 30. :-D

The Folks said...

I giggled SO hard reading this post.
That was THE best.

The. Best.

I think the movie will be pretty good too! And I totally agree about the puppets. They are so freaky that I can't turn away when they're dancing around the screen. Eek!!

I thought The Grudge was pretty damn freaky. The little kid in it make a girl I know, piss herself!

The Folks said...

Redrum redrum!
Definitely one of my very favorites. EVER.

David said...

Gordo: I just watched the clip again, maybe I can wait :o

Mike & Betty: That stupid clown puppet from poltergeist stuck with me as well. I mean putting a clown and puppet into a horror film should be illegal.

Glad you enjoyed my post, hope to see ya around. Got to go, you know what they say, "All work and no play makes..." well you know :)

harbinger said...

OOOOOh, scary. The other day I noticed one of my cats kept getting fixated on something in the other room, I looked and there was nothing there at all, but he kept looking.
A while later I was in the kitchen when all of a sudden the coffee maker came on, no water or coffee in it.

Well, I couldn't go downstairs to my shop until the next day, very creepy.

Jen said...


David said...

Ha! Happy to hear I'm not the only one HB. I know what you mean about the cats. I always try to pick up on my dogs bark to see if i should be worried. Like I would know the difference. :)

Time Traveller said...


Luckily the power came back on in just two hours

2 hours????!!!

The cat I've adopted looks at a certain point in my garden - everytime the same point.

David said...

A tornado touched down by my brothers house and destroyed a few houses and the power line towers. He didn't get his electricity back for a day or two. Of course he wasn't home alone :o