March 15, 2008

Mission Accomplished

Coming home one day I noticed something being built through the trees just down the road from my house. I was almost sure I knew what it was but just in case I was wrong I asked the best Special Forces soldier in our house if he would like to go on a recon mission on Sunday.

Jacob, or Sure Shoot as he's known at camp was giddy all week and kept asking what the plan was for the mission. He picked out his best sniper rifle, the one he knew to be the surest shot. Not the cheap plastic one but the nice solid wood one. Every night I arrived home from work to find another objective added to our mission.

Unfortunately on the weekend we plan to go he came down with 104 (f) degree fever. It broke his little heart to miss the mission. Hey even the toughest soldiers get sick. He made me promise not to go and to take him the following weekend. After all, no solider likes to be left behind.

So this past weekend we did it. We met Saturday night to plan our attack. We picked out our clothes, gear and hand signals. Only those with top secret clearance were allowed to hear the plans (sorry mom). We poured over intel on the best way to reach the base without being detected and we set a meeting time to start the mission.

Fully dressed in our camouflage we set out on our quest. We made it all the way to the secret base without being detected. We killed all the enemy we encountered, we laid all the C4 we had and we called in a perfect air strike that demolished the secret base. We even stopped a counter strike that wasn't part of the original plan.

When we arrived back at our home base the head intel officer began to debrief us. She wanted to know what we did and how it went. My son was over the moon with excitement. He recounted the whole experience right down to me sinking up to my knees in mud. Then he ran to tell his brother all about it. The wife looked at me and ask if it was worth all the trouble we went through just to see a hole in the ground. I looked in the next room and saw my son recounting his adventure again. I thought, "mission accomplished."


Jen said...

You are such a GREAT Dad!!
Really really GREAT

You make me smile all the time...

Gordo said...

Man, that's awesome. Worth every second. That's also the coolest shower curtain I've seen in a long time. ;-)

Daughter of Night said...

Never underestimate the bonding power of recon.


Jen said...

I don't think that's a shower curtain... It looks like an actual curtain. :)
Cute little monkeys!

David said...

They are shower curtains (4) but they're being used as regular curtains. We have some material to attach to the bottom to make them the right length. It's all we could find for the playroom.

Thanks guys, just something I wanted to remember.

*hug* to you too Jen :)

And one for TV of LCD *a hug* although I think it's a little early for that but what the hell ;p

Anonymous said...

A salute to the soldiers of fortune. Your brave work protects us from holes in the ground!

Time Traveller said...

You're so cute :)

Marianita said...

Wow!!! I hope my future hubby is that good with my future sons (all 5 of them).

PS- I have a lot of catch-up reading to do... I haven't been on here in a while!

David said...

Happy to see they let you get your nose out of the books for a minute. :)

Thanks, FIVE SONS?!! Good luck with that. Does that mean if you have a girl or two you'll be having six or seven children? OMG! lol

Marianita said...

small joke... But i do want sons. Maybe 2.