April 03, 2008

All Wet


Everyday I watch as the women at our office try to choke down bottle after bottle of water. All in the name of health and fitness. I never thought they were doing anything wrong but I just couldn't be bothered with drinking 8 glasses of water a day.

Well on the way to work today I heard that it has now been proven there is no benefit to this practice. In fact, drinking a lot of water may have the opposite of the intended affect.

The advice given about water intake? If you feel thirsty drink some. Go figure, our body has a built-in mechanism to let us know how much to drink. It's called thirst. Who would have thunk it?



Anonymous said...

Ah boffins can prove or disprove anything they want. Just listen to the daily too and fro of whether caffeine is good for you or not.

The real truth is everything is bad for you in excess. Moderation and balance is the key.

Time Traveller said...

There are some people in my office who seem to gulp down bottle after bottle of water. Some friends too.

As Darren says - moderation.

Everything is ok in moderation - except incest and heroin.