April 21, 2008

Feeling Fishy

This weekend the family went up to Atlanta to see the world's largest Aquarium, the Georgia Aquarium. The whole experience confirmed something I've known about myself for a long time. As I watched all the people crowding around the tanks and glass to see the beautiful aquatic wildlife I couldn't help thinking, "Damn, I hate Fn' crowds."

I was envious of the fish in the tanks. They had more room than I did. Now I know what sardines feel like packed in a can.


Gordo said...

Everytime Discovery Channel runs that piece about the Georgia aquarium, my eldest asks when we can go. If for no other reason than to see the whale sharks. :-)

Jen said...

I hate crowds too. In a scary, stop-sweating-on-me, your kid is picking his nose, sorta way.

David said...

Gordo: We did see the whale sharks and yes they are cool! I was more impressed with the 6 million gallon (22,705,800 Liters)tank they were in. With a 60'x 27'(18.28m x 8.22m)acrylic wall 2'(60.96cm)thick. It weighs 120 tons (108 metric tons). That's a lot of wall!

Sorry about all the conversions but I found an easy conversion calculator and went wild :D

Jen: Oh, we hate crowds for different reasons then. Sweat on me all you want but stop the pushing, crowding and rudeness. sheesh!

I'm with you on the nose picking all the way though ;p

Time Traveller said...

You went to see the fish without me? I would love to have gone :)

Except for the crowds. That's why i can't bring myself to work in London - I hate crowds :(

Anonymous said...

All my family hate crowds, apart from me. So long as I can see over peoples heads I'm good.

I love aquariums and would probably go to the Georgia one on the trip to America, but its a bit out of the way. Plan on going to the Chicago - John G. Shedd Aquarium.

Jen said...

I hate those things too, but I've got my hands full dealing with rudeness these days.
Birthday bastards.

Daughter of Night said...

I'm afraid that my children have missed out on some typical childhood experiences because I refuse to go places where there are crowds of people. We live 30 minutes from Disneyland and I've been once in twenty years. We live 30 minutes from Sea World and I've been twice in twenty years. We live 20 minutes from the World-Famous San Diego Zoo and I've taken my children twice. Ditto the Wild Animal Park. I hate crowds so much that I avoid the mall like the plague and I do my grocery shopping at 10:00 pm.

I know it didn't bother me as much when i was younger. Hmmmmm.

David said...

TT: You could have come. What was one more at that point ;)

Darren: I guess there are a few advantages to being tall. Grrrr

I did read some reviews that said the Chicago Aquarium is as good or better.

Jen: Bastards indeed!

Daughter: I would be the same way as you except the wife won't let me. Secretly I'm glad she pushes me to do things but don't tell her.

Ha! I've been to Sea World in San Deigo almost as much as you. And if I have to go to the store I try to go extremely early, like six in the morning :)

Crowds have always bothered me :(

Marianita said...

I've been to that aquarium!

PS- hi!