May 29, 2008
Let me give y'all the finger... update
Thanks everybody for all the concern. It's much appreciated.
I saw the hand doctor yesterday. I walked in with an impressive bandage and splint on my finger The Wife had fixed for me. There was also an impressive amount of blood for a four day old wound. The bright red skin where my nail use to be was very impressive in contrast to the black skin on the bottom tip of my finger. The x-ray showed an impressive amount of smashed bone as well. The doctor, however, was less than impressed.
He gave my finger a quick glance and then spent five minutes lecturing me about the importance of taking antibiotics with an open fracture wound. Then he casually mentioned the nerve damage was permanent, as was the loss of my nail. Nothing can be done.
In the end I walked out of his office with two unimpressive band-aids on my finger and feeling damn near embarrassed. But, I satisfied my family and friend's request to see a doctor and now I can do what I wanted to from the beginning, suck it up and get back to it. After all, it's just a finger... I have plenty.
May 26, 2008
Living up to expectations, a broken promise.... damn
Tomorrow, with any luck, I'll be going to see a hand specialist who will hopefully do something with this damn finger. This whole situation is ridiculous. One finger has brought my life to a screeching ass halt. damn.
May 21, 2008
Living Dangerously
May 19, 2008
Odd Man Out
So over the years I've worked hard to make sure P1 is included in decisions. Still, no matter how hard I try I can't get this issue behind us.
P2: Can we do extra legs tonight?
Me: Fine by me, what do you think P1?
P1: Huh, surprised you even asked. I was thinking of trying this new exercise?
P2: That's for your back. We're not doing back tonight.
Me: Let's try it tomorrow night.
P1: Whatever. (as he rolls his eyes)
Example two:
Me: Didn't you want to try a new exercise tonight P1?
P1: I'm surprised you even heard me. (sarcasm)
Me: Huh?
P2: I heard that exercise isn't any good.
Me: Lets give it a try and see.
P1: Gee, thanks for letting us. (dripping with sarcasm)
I still try, but for the most part I just wrote it off to the fact there are some people in this world you just irritate (some of us have a better knack for it than others) no matter how hard you try not to.
Then, I skipped the gym last Monday night. I sent both of them an email to let them know. When I arrived at the gym Tuesday P2 was a no show. P1 informed me that P2 had come early Monday and had almost finished his work-out before our scheduled time. Worse, he left P1 after only 10 minutes of working-out. When I wondered out loud why he would do this, P1 said, "Because, he knew you weren't going to be here."
Then it became crystal clear. P1 is irritated with me because P2 seems to be only interested in working out with me. P1 is feeling like the odd man out. It doesn't really solve anything but at least I know where it's coming from. And, on a selfish note, I'm happy it's not me this time.
May 16, 2008
Confession #2
Sometimes when spell check doesn't find a misspelled word I change one just to see if it's working.
Labels: Just a thought
May 15, 2008
I got loaded last night
May 11, 2008
May 08, 2008
What Will Happen?
The dreaded "W" word came up the other day. I've never been afraid of it but for some reason I just can't get off my ass and wrestle with it.
- I need to make a list of all my possessions (easy enough)
- I need to make a list of who I'm leaving them to. (again... easy)
- I need to figure out who would take care of my children if something should happen to The wife and I...
Bam! I just remembered why I've never made out a will. I have nobody in my life I trust to raise my children. So stop cocking that eye at me Mr. Insurance agent man, I'm working on it.
May 07, 2008
May 05, 2008
When I'm clearing brush at home with my machete (I love that word machete... machete, machete, maacheeetee) I sometimes pretend I'm a contestant on the show Survivor.
Then I vote all the dumb ass people out of my life.
Labels: Just a thought
May 01, 2008
Old & Dumb? Not!
Feeling my age...not!
For the past week I have been feeling a little bit more run down than normal. I just attributed it to getting older.
Then I went to make a pot of coffee at work. I noticed there was only decaffeinated coffee.
"Where's the loaded coffee," I yelled.
"We're out. We've been out for a week. We've been making the decaf stuff and you didn't even notice." someone yelled back laughing.
That explains it. I'm not getting old, they're just sneaky bastards.
Stupid is as stupid does
Yesterday morning I opened a bottle I was pretty sure contained chlorine tablets but the label had fallen off. I looked down into the bottle for a second and it looked like chlorine tablets. Even though it couldn't have been anything other than chlorine tablets I decided to take a sniff.
After throwing up and seriously wondering if my throat was going to close up and I would require a tracheotomy to breath, I managed to get back into the house. As I stood over the sink hacking up my chlorine gas filled lungs. The Wife walked in.
What's wrong?
I sniffed *cough* some *hack* chlorine. *cough*
Well that was just stupid.
I had a doozy of a comeback but I couldn't get it out before she left the room. How dare her call me stupid!
Although, it really was stupid.