May 07, 2008


When each of my children were born I planted a tree on our property to mark the occasion. With Ethan it was a willow tree right next to the kitchen window. I didn't realize it at the time but I had planted the willow right next to our septic tank.

Amazingly in just over three short years the tree grew as tall as our house. I had to trim the bottom branches so that we could see under it from the kitchen window. In a short amount of time, due to the extra nutrients it was getting from the septic tank, it became one of our favorite trees. It provided some much needed shade. I loved to watch it's long lanky limbs blowing in the wind. It had a very majestic appeal to it. It was a beautiful tree.

Then, suddenly it died. All the leaves fell off, it turned brittle and dried up. Apparently some type of beetle burrowed into it's trunk and killed it.

The moral of this story: You can't suck shit for too long before something bad crawls up your ass and kills you.


Jen said...

Great moral and so true too!

Sorry about your tree though. I love willow trees!
How's Ethan taking the death of his tree?

David said...

eh, it's just a tree.

We didn't tell the kids which ones were theirs. We planted two when Jacob was born... so there you go :)

Time Traveller said...

:) LOL! Plant another one a magnolia.

hang on ? That zebra under the tree looks very suspicious.

David said...

No Magnolias, I grew up around them. They are nice but I hate the huge waxy leaves they drop on the ground. Plus, all the ones we had prevented grass from growing around them.

We planted another willow but not so close to the 'special sauce' this time. We also planted a Bradford Pear tree. Very overdone here but The Wife wanted it, so, wa la.

That's my dad's dog. He still won't go home:( The dogs miss the tree the most, they loved it's shade so close to the house.

Oh well, au revoir pee pee tree, we shall miss thee.

Jen said...

Another willow is a good choice. They're neat trees...