May 08, 2008

What Will Happen?

The dreaded "W" word came up the other day. I've never been afraid of it but for some reason I just can't get off my ass and wrestle with it.

My insurance agent (same age as me and looks twice as old, sCA-ry) strongly suggested that I make out a will. Yikes and, well, yikes!!! His suggestion was delivered with one of those half cocked eyebrow things that seem to say, "Hey, what are you stupid or something?" His look was so convincing that I'm actually considering doing it.

So I need a list (always start with a list)

  1. I need to make a list of all my possessions (easy enough)

  2. I need to make a list of who I'm leaving them to. (again... easy)

  3. I need to figure out who would take care of my children if something should happen to The wife and I...

Bam! I just remembered why I've never made out a will. I have nobody in my life I trust to raise my children. So stop cocking that eye at me Mr. Insurance agent man, I'm working on it.



Jen said...

It's an odd thing to have to go through. I choose to live forever instead. Easier that way!

So, whatcha gonna leave me??

Anonymous said...

I'll take care of the kids. I'm good for not pushing them off stuff.

David said...

Jen: Yeah, I thought about the living forever thing too but I haven't been able to find a good service provider. (I have no idea what that means)

What makes you think I'll die before you? ;)

Darren: In all seriousness, I think you're going to make one hell of a dad.

and, I DID NOT PUSH HIM!!! lol

Jen said...

Like I said, I'm never gonna go.
I like shiny things, so I'm going to wait around and collect all the stuff that other people leave me in their wills!!
Heck yeah.

Daughter of Night said...

On a serious note, I can't believe you haven't taken care of this yet! I don't know about your state, but here in california, if you don't have a will or a trust, everything you own goes into probate. And the State takes about half. I made a living trust the week after I had my first child and I update it every year.

MSU, on the other hand, was much like you. It took me two YEARS to convince him to just make a will. He still doesn't have a trust. And he hasn't updated the will since he first signed it 15 years ago. All I can say about that is that both of us better pray that *I* go first.

And... YOUR will implies that your wife will still be around to take care of your kids, right? SO you don't have to worry about trusting anyone else to do it.

DO the will. Even better, make a living trust. You'll feel better, I promise.


Anonymous said...

"Darren: In all seriousness, I think you're going to make one hell of a dad.

and, I DID NOT PUSH HIM!!! lol"

Great compliment to give me. I really appreciate it. So its settled then. Your kids move to Ireland if the worst happens, and I'll look after them.

David said...

Jen: I don't have too many shiny things. Maybe my tools. Need a shiny wrench in about fifty years? :)

Daughter: Are you cocking your eyebrow at me? Stop it.

I know, I know... and at my age too, right? :( I'm going to do it. I need to do it. You are nothing but right. *sigh*

Now about this smoking thing *SHOCKED*... I'll wait and address that on your blog >:(

Darren: I meant it too.

I wonder if Ireland is ready for my crew? They might make you ship them back. lol

Anonymous said...

The irish are ready for anything, especially a group of mental kids. Sure all the sane Irish left during the famine and the black death and went to America. That just left the crazies back here.