June 16, 2008

Confession # 5

I have a customer that constantly refers to me as 'Super Dave'. While I never acknowledge he says it, I secretly like that he does...

dunt dun dun!


Jen said...

Congrats on your 300th post!!

How was your Father's Day, Super Dave?

David said...

Thanks! Not that impressive considering you had 356 post... for just this year. :)

Fathers Day? It could have been nice but I was a BIG ASS JERK. The worse part is that I'm not over it. In other words, even though I know I acted like a jerk, I'm not sorry I did. Yet. But guilt has my address and will come a callin' soon enough I'm sure. *sigh*

Daughter of Night said...

I'm not sure that "Super Dave" is a compliment. Do you remember what that is from?? LOL

But, since I know for a fact that you ARE, indeed, super, it's a moot point. :-)

Sorry Father's Day wasn't fabulous. ;-(

David said...

LOL, yes, I use to watch him on David Letterman. Gee, I hope he's not mocking me. Super Dave would not like that! :)

I might blog about Father's Day but do we really need another post to demonstrate how much of a jerk I can be? I think not. I Still might do it though.

Time Traveller said...

LOL! congrtualtions on post numero 300.

We want to hear about you being a big ass jerk :) you could always blame in on the finger, I'm sure you can milk that one for a little while longer.

Anonymous said...

You should keep a cape handy, and every time he refers to you as Super Dave, put the cape on and strike a pose for about 10-15 seconds before continuing as normal.

David said...

TT: Thanks. As a matter of fact it did have to do with my finger but probably not the way you're thinking.

Milk it? Please. Never ever. You're blogging with a real man here. A 'You've Got Mail' watching, cape wearing, ogre who lives in a bog but a man nonetheless. :p

Darren: LOL! I could just see that. That being the blank look on my customers face as he never does business with me again. Maybe with a vendor but not so much with a customer but it is a funny image.

Jen said...

"Super Dave would not like that!"

That made me laugh out loud!!

I wanna hear about you being a big jerk too! God knows I do enough of that, it's nice to hear about someone else doing it for a change.
Sorry about your Father's Day though.

Jen said...

And your 300th post is still pretty impressive.
I'm ridiculously glad you starting blogging!