June 10, 2008

Making the Turn

Turning 40 was no big deal. Yeah the wife had been ragging me about it for months but it was all in good fun. While I don't care much for the aging process, getting older never bothered me. It's natural, it's normal and honestly, what choice do we have?

So it came as bit of a surprise when I found myself laying in bed the morning of the last day of my thirties, thinking about time. The thought that got me started was thinking that ten years ago, the same day, I was saying goodbye to my twenties.

I was thinking about how much had happened in the last ten years. Ten years ago the wife and I were still living in the city in our first house. She was working as an x-ray tech/nurse for a small doctor's office. I had not long moved into sales at my job. We had been trying unsuccessfully for five years to have a child. Our weekends consisted of dinners, movies and whatever just popped into our heads. My parents were about to move into their sixties and were looking forward to retirement and enjoying their golden years. Looking back, life seemed simple.

Ten years later we have three children. We live out in the country in the woods. The wife is a stay at home mom and I've already put twenty years into the family business. Our weekends are filled with child activities and home projects. I haven't been to the movies in a very long time. My parents are now starting to worry about their health as they enter their seventies. A different life indeed.

As my mind considered each change, I let it slip into the future. Where would I be ten years from this day as I say goodbye to my forties and hello to my fifties?!! While there is much I don't know, the things I did think of shook me. Quite frankly they blew my mind.

In ten short years I may be in that very same bed but life will be far from the same. My oldest son will be turning eighteen the next day. A legal adult of voting age, driving and hopefully, about to leave the house to go off to college. All my children will be teenagers. I'll be five years and a day away from being a senior citizen. The wife will be working again. All the pets I have now will have passed. My parents, if they are still with us, will surely be wrapping up their lives by then as they start their eighties.

Looking at the future this way, it seems like a lifetime away but based on how fast the last ten years just went, it's just around the corner. I don't mind admitting change doesn't sit well with me. These thoughts did not make me happy. Finally, I was able to stop this thought process and get out of bed to face the day. Although I was able to push these revelations to the back of my mind, an old silly phrase kept running through my head but had now taken on a new meaning.

"Jane! Stop this crazy thing!"
- George Jetson


Gordo said...

Well, if you put it that way, maybe I'll do the Jack Benny thing and stick it out right here at 39. ;-)

David said...

Damn! I didn't know that was an option. :p

I saw this today and thought of you

http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,265983,00.html lol

Jen said...

I'm glad you posted it, RT.

David said...

:) *hug* right back at ya!

Time Traveller said...

Your life now seems much more appealing than our life 10 years ago.

I wonder if you'll read this post 10 years from now.


Anonymous said...

Time will pass, but have the last 10 years of your life not been the best?

Have the experiences of fatherhood not given your life new meaning?

Well you aint seen nothing yet. Wait till you see your kids start the lives you have prepared them so well for.

David said...

TT: yes, the life I have now suits me and my personality much better than the life I had ten years ago.

Blogging ten years from now? I hope so. It would be nice to have a record of my thoughts for that long. Especially as the older I get the less I can remember about anything. Then again it could be embarrassing to look back. Hell, it already is. :D

Darren: Very true. I can't wait to see what happens next but DAMN it's all happening so fast. I'm almost scared to blink.

Anonymous said...

Yep, time flies like an arrow, and fruit flies like bananas... ;-)
I made it to senior citizenhood last year, and the more history you have, the faster time seems to go. But, all I've really got is this day and this place. All the rest is memories and predictions, just ideas.

Hang on! The ride should be interesting.

Hugs from the far side (of the Pacific),
~ Sil in Corea

David said...

~ sil in corea: lol, Great perspective. Your comment makes me think of the balance we should reach between living for today and being prepared for the future. Hard to do if not darn near impossible.

Thanks for the comment, and welcome to my bog :D

Daughter of Night said...

LOLOL. "Welcome to my bog."

LOLOL. Anyone who suspected RT might be an ogre, there's your proof.


The fun stuff is just beginning, RT. Welcome to the prime of your life. :-)


David said...

Hardy har har. I could change it you know... but I won't. Grrrr you Daughter for pointing out my typo, grrrrr you.

Laugh it up now but one day you're going to make a typo. It may not be today or tomorrow or even the next day. Maybe not even the day after that but one day you will AND.WHEN.YOU.DO. I'll be on it like a kitten on a ball of string. Wait strike that. I'll be on it like a fly on shit... errr... Lets just say I'll be on it and you'll rue the day you laughed at my typo, you will rue.the.day.! >:(

The prime of my life huh? I'll take your word for it. I'll take the hug too... because hugs are nice. Pointing out my typos is mean.So more hugs less noticing the typos.


And remember, one day I'm going to get you my prettyyyyy!!! ha ha ha ha ha (that's an evil laugh there)(damn! I sound like some sort of ogre.)

Daughter of Night said...

It makes me hot when you go all Rambo.


David said...

Even though your "hot" comment has temporarily distracted me from my desire to get revenge, I will still be lying in wait. AND.WHEN YOU.DO... well you know. Rue the day, get you my prettyyy and the rest >:)