July 29, 2008

confession # 7

I try to wait until I hear the network printer running before I print my documents. Then, when that person is picking up their paperwork, I yell "Hey, I think you have some of my documents." Then they bring mine to me.

Some may say I'm lazy. I like to think I'm efficient.

July 26, 2008

The Tipping Point

Since I'm in an industry that is heavily affected by the high cost of fuel, I'm seeing a lot of long faces these days. Hard working people who have no choice but to pay the price and try to survive. Seeing how much damage these high prices have inflicted, I've been more than upset, but don't think everyone is. There are certain people who are giddy, yes giddy, about it and its effect on people. I'm talking about the hard core environmentalist, for them this is a dream come true. (Ironically people selling oil feel the same way.)

Now I'm not suggesting environmentalist are happy people are hurting, I don't think that, but they do see high energy prices as a positive step towards forcing conservation and the use of alternative forms of energy, that are better for the environment. While I admire those who want a cleaner planet, I have to wonder if the environmentalist have gotten too much of a good thing.

They predicted, correctly so, that when the cost of fossil fuels became too expensive people would start using less energy and turn to alternative cleaner sources. What they didn't count on was the tipping point. I believe that there is a tipping point in almost any situation. A point, that when surpassed, can create an undesired and unpredictable effect. We have passed that point. Yes, people are driving less, as well as looking at solar and wind power as real solutions but because the dramatic rise in energy prices they are also turning towards drilling in protected areas, more refineries and more nuclear plants. Clearly this was not what the environmentalist were hoping for. They have fought hard to keep these options off the energy menu for the past thirty years. Well not only are they back on the menu, they're about to be served.

Unfortunately, fossil fuels and nuclear energy are the only sources ready for prime time. While the masses may be willing and ready to make a change, the alternatives are just not there yet. Just because people want an alternative source of energy doesn't mean it's out there, at least not at the moment. Turning our attention 100% to producing these unknown alternatives is not guaranteed to produce anything. We have to have a plan until a solution is found.

What we should be doing is attacking the problem on two fronts. Implement established alternatives where they are productive, reward and promote conservation efforts and encourage the development of cleaner energy. At the same time we need to develop a realistic plan to use the resources we have here now to supply or energy needs . And for Pete's sake don't grow food to put in our fuel tanks while people are starving all over the world.

With the best of intentions the environmentalist have bound our hands too tight and pushed us in a direction that has no clear path. I honestly believe change is necessary, maybe vital, but forcing it on people before a realistic solution has been discovered is risky and seems to be tipping us in the wrong direction.

The best roads don't end in a 90 degree turn, they slowly curve and bank us in a new direction so that very little momentum is lost.

July 23, 2008

Dignity Not Included

Just when I thought I had seen it all.

The Off-Road Commode

At least it's washable. Seriously, WTF?!

July 19, 2008

Confession # 6

I believe bad service is God's way of warning us not to eat fast food.

Now if I would just listen.

July 15, 2008

All Done... Well almost.

It took blood, sweat and almost some tears but it's done, for the most part. The best part is the kids love it, which makes it all worth it. Now if I can find a way to get out of the promise I made to sleep in it come fall.

July 13, 2008

Hating the haters

As I've mentioned before, I do my best to stay off the political subjects because people get so passionate they can't see straight. Everybody is entitled to their opinion and if people want to voice it I have no problem with it. Yesterday Tony Snow, a conservative commentator, died of cancer. He left behind three children and a wife. I would think you wouldn't be human if you couldn't muster up a little sympathy for a man who dies at the age of 53.

well, I WOULD BE WRONG! A friend of mine sent me an email directing me to The Huffingting post. I knew the site was a hang-out for hardcore liberals. Even knowing the extremes on both sides of the political spectrum are very rarely rational, I was shocked at what I read.

The piece describing the Mr. Snow was about what I expected but some of the comments were horrible. Some that stuck out...

See ya, wouldn't want to be ya

Karma ! Thank You Jesus !!

I send my condolences to his family, but I'm happy he's gone.

Helms and Snow in one week, the world is a better place without both of these regressive forces. Sad but true.

There were more and there were some nice things said too but I can't understand people that take politics to this level. These type of people simply can't accept that people have opinions other than their own. They scream, "freedom of speech" then try to shout down those who disagree. They don't respect ELECTED officials they didn't vote for. They don't care about the 'will of the people', only their will and their beliefs. They preach tolerance and acceptance yet are the first to trample the rights of those who disagree with them. They don't have opponents they have sworn enemies.

I didn't know Tony Snow but I haven't heard a bad word said about him from people who did. If the people he went up against everyday found him to be a decent person, why would someone who never met him wish him death by cancer? Wish his family this loss?

Former senator Jesse Helms died recently too. I'm sure to the glee of many of these same people. While I disagreed with almost everything he stood for, I do realize he was from a different era. Sure it would be easy to apply today's standards to his career and label him as a bigot, homophobe, and much more but life is more complicated than that. If it were only so easy as to have people be all good or all bad. The real truth is very few people in the world are pure evil. Disagreeing with someone's positions does not make a person evil. Senator Helms was elected by the people, to do the will of the people and that's what he did. I didn't like it but apparently the people of his state did. He was their voice. I have to respect that. I also have to respect the office he held, as well as his service to his country. He didn't take up arms and shoot the people he disagreed with, no, he did it the democratic way, the right way, even if it was the wrong positions. Doesn't every free person have that right? Shouldn't they?

The world we live in is not so black and white that any of us can climb up on a soap box with absolute proof that what we believe is the the only truth. If that were the case there would be no argument to be had. If we are completely honest with ourselves, we would admit that we pick our positions based on our environment, upbringing, feelings, and a thousand other factors that have little to do with fact. Because for every fact I can throw at you to support my positions, you can throw a different one at me to support yours.

While I can respect and understand people filled with passion, enthusiasm and commitment, I can't understand it when it leaves no room for compassion, empathy and humanity. Seriously, being happy someone dies from cancer because you disagree with their politics? What's wrong with people? A man died, show some respect or at the very least keep you hateful comments to yourself. It's the LEAST you could do. Is that so hard? ... Apparently it is.

July 12, 2008

You were the very definition of Class.
You leaned hard to the right but
you never tried to pretend otherwise.
Watching your example always gave me hope that
politics could be discussed with civility.

I will miss you.

July 11, 2008


Let's talk about sex baby, let's talk about...

Yep I'm going to talk about s.e.x. Sure it's fun, feels good and is a great way to connect with another person. Hey it's a beautiful thing but I have few questions. No, not about that. I have three kids, I think I know about THAT. Though, if you think you can teach me something new I might be willing to listen.

My question, which of course will bring an avalanche of more questions, is to what degree do we have, or does our partner have to satisfy our sexual needs, desires and fantasies? Especially when you are in a monogamous relationship and you count on your partner for all of your sexual needs and wants.

Say your partner likes having chocolate sauce poured all over them and licked off. (sorry if you were looking for something racier, maybe later... maybe not) Now you may not find anything sexual about this. Hell, you may not even like chocolate sauce but your partner sure does, a lot. So what's the obligation here? Indulge them one time then throw out the chocolate sauce every time they buy more? Eat chocolate a few times a month and put on few pounds to keep your partner satisfied? Get a doctors excuse saying you're allergic to chocolate? Then give up Thin Mints for the rest of your life?!!

Obviously if something is repulsive then it's off limits but where is the line? Do we even have the right to expect our partner to fulfill our non-traditional desires? What are traditional desires when it comes to sex anymore? I would think even a nun's fantasies involve more than the standard missionary position these days.

It may be an awkward subject but it can cause some serious issues in a relationship. I can't imagine what happened back in the days before premarital sex. Can you imagine marrying someone, then finding out they were into some freaky feather fetish?

Just a subject that popped into my mind when I WASN'T looking at latex wearing, cross dressing, midget, S&M, public, orgy, sex videos on the Internet the other day.

July 09, 2008

With friends like these...

I was running late for work yesterday and quickly grabbed some clothes for my evening workout. When one of my partners arrived at the gym he looked at me and said, "Hey Ronald, What's up?" I was confused and said, "Ronald?" He started laughing and pointed out I was wearing bright red shorts and a bright yellow t-shirt that made him think of Ronald McDonald. I shook my head I told him he was crazy. Then my second partner walked in, looked me up and down and said, " I'd like an order of fries and a Coke please."


I met my gym partners at the mall last week to go to the movies. We rarely do anything that isn't sports related together. As I walked up to the first one, in the packed food court, he says rather loudly, "Hey, I almost didn't recognize you with your pants on." Yeah, people were snickering. But not as much as when the second partner walks up a minute later and says, "You two make a cute couple. You sure you don't mind me tagging along on your date?" Grrrr.

My friends or 'the bastards' as I like to call them, sheesh!

July 04, 2008


July 02, 2008

Just stick a knife in my head

This must be from some popular group or movie, I don't know, but I do know I can't change the channel fast enough when it comes on TV. What the hell does it have to do with insurance? Worse, it's one of those tunes that get stuck in your head for hours, kind of like a knife in the forehead would.

July 01, 2008

You know you are having a bad day when...

You call home and have the following conversation...

Me: Hello

The Wife: Hi

Me: Am I suppose to be mad at you?

TW: What?

Me: Are we having a fight at the moment or anything?

TW: Have you been drinking or something?

Me: Well, if one more person pisses me off I might start drinking or go postal, I haven't decided yet. I just picked up the phone to call you and couldn't remember if I was mad at you or not.

TW: Not that I know of.

Me: That's good to know.

TW: I'm your wife, you should know when you're mad at me or not.

Me: I know, that's why I called, I gave YOU the benefit of the doubt.

TW: LOL, bad day huh?

Me: *whisper* yeah.