July 01, 2008

You know you are having a bad day when...

You call home and have the following conversation...

Me: Hello

The Wife: Hi

Me: Am I suppose to be mad at you?

TW: What?

Me: Are we having a fight at the moment or anything?

TW: Have you been drinking or something?

Me: Well, if one more person pisses me off I might start drinking or go postal, I haven't decided yet. I just picked up the phone to call you and couldn't remember if I was mad at you or not.

TW: Not that I know of.

Me: That's good to know.

TW: I'm your wife, you should know when you're mad at me or not.

Me: I know, that's why I called, I gave YOU the benefit of the doubt.

TW: LOL, bad day huh?

Me: *whisper* yeah.


Anonymous said...

Grey skys are gonna clear up. Put on a happy face. :D

Daughter of Night said...

Even when you're mad you're funny.

You are such a treasure.

David said...

Thanks Darren, that helped. :D

Daughter: *blush* A treasure huh? Thanks, maybe you could call The Wife and convince her? lol

Jen said...


You needed a hug.