November 27, 2008

November 25, 2008

Why not just tell me I'm a jerk?

For the last two months The Wife has been unwell. I made her go to the doctor a month ago and told her to slow down many times after that. Not much I could do about her not listening to me. She was determined not to miss any festivals, fairs and Halloween events. Then, last Wednesday she woke me up and said she couldn't take the kids to school. I made her go to the doctor again and I took care of the kids. Two days later, after she spent two full days in bed, she was admitted into the hospital. She has pneumonia that is resistant to antibiotics.

As I was taking care of the kids, my sister called to offer support. She was a little upset that my parents, who live so close, weren't doing much to help me out. I agreed that it would be nice to get some help but taking care of my family was my responsibility and not theirs. I explained there was no need to be upset with my parents, I could handle it.

Later, as my parent were visiting The Wife in the hospital my dad mentioned that my sister was coming in town early for Thanksgiving to help her with the kids. My dad also mentioned, for reasons I can't even begin to understand, that my sister had asked him to have a talk with me. It seems my sister blames ME for The Wife being sick. She thinks I never give her a chance to get a break. That I keep her trapped at the house and don't do much to ease her burden.

Now, I know she doesn't know what happens at my house. She lives out of town and has no idea how our life is structured. It really doesn't bother me what she thinks I do or don't do for my family. I know the truth and so do they. It also doesn't bother me that she told my dad to talk to me about it. He knows what I do too.

It doesn't bother me that if my sister thought about what she did know she would see the truth. Like the week The Wife spent WITH MY SISTER in Mexico while I watched the kids just this year should have been a clue. Or the concert in Atlanta she attended with MY SISTER that she wanted to got to but wouldn't because she had already had me take off work too much this year and it was expensive but I talked her into going.

And it doesn't bother me that my sister mentioned to my dad that I get to do something for myself by going to the gym three nights a week for an hour and The Wife never gets her own time. Because I know all the kids are in school and The Wife has free time during the day and frequently meets her friends for lunch and stuff. She also doesn't know that I let The Wife sleep in on Sundays, my only day off, as I get up early to feed the kids, clean the house and do other things that need doing. Or that I ask The Wife almost every weekend if she wants me to watch the kids so she can go to town and do something she wants to do. See, I like being home with the kids.

None of that bothers me but what does bother me, what really chaps my ass is how my sister got the impression that I don't do all these things. She just didn't come up with this stuff out of thin air. It had to come from somewhere in some form or another. Even if she is just reading between the lines of what is being said, somebody has to be telling her something and it could only be The Wife, my mom or both. Neither of which has ever even suggested to me that I'm not being fair to my wife. In fact both, on many occasions, have told me that I need to get out more and do more things for myself. I'm a little confused by this situation. And bothered, as I said.

So, with all that leading the way, let the holiday season begin. Holy shit!

November 23, 2008

more press mess

I had planned to stop posting about our biased press, but then I saw this. The first half of this segment is an excellent demonstration of what I've been talking about.

November 19, 2008

Thinking just a tad

I've been thinking about Christian Slater lately. You know, because he's so dreamy and all that. Ok, maybe not like that but actually a little bit like that. What I've actually been thinking about is his hair.

What's up with this man's hair??? He has a bit of a high forehead and a full head of hair so why comb it straight back? That's a tad weird, right?

Well, I'm not really thinking that it's weird. I'm really thinking that my hairline is a lot like his. If I must admit it, my forehead is a bit higher than average, like his. Not much higher mind you. Lets just say a tad higher, and leave it at that. Seriously, leave it at that.

So I was thinking, not much but a tad, that maybe, just maybe, I should let my hair grow out and comb it back, like, say, Christian Slater does. Only I don't really like the way he does his hair much, maybe a tad but people must right. Being that he's a big star and all. I do like the cool way he gets to push it back when it falls forward. So there is that.

Anyway, that's what I've been thinking about, but not too much, because that would be weird. At least a tad.

November 16, 2008

A Long Irrelevant News Slant Rant (a must skip read)

Now that the election is over I've had time to examine just how much influence the press has in this country and on the world. From my point of view and from the evidence I've seen, the press cheated this country and the world out of an honest debate about what the candidates had to offer. I doubt anyone will care but I feel I need to chronicle the way I felt the press influenced the pick of the 44TH president of The United States. This has nothing to do with Obama. I don't blame him for what the press did. I'm sure any candidate would have been happy to have the press on their side.

I don't think it's a secret that the press favors the left and therefor the Democrats. They have for a long time. Over the years, I believe, they have tried to maintain some sort of professionalism and balance but that changed in 2004. During President Bush's first term in office it was hard for the press to find much real fault. He had led us out of a recession, placed some regulations on public companies cooking their books, helped us deal with the 911 attacks and started a successful campaign against the terrorist of the world. He was popular with the people and supported by even most of thr Democrats.

Then in 2004 Bush made a huge miscalculation. After defeating the Iraqi army the president thought the Iraqi people would embrace democracy, they didn't. Because of this mistake, Bush didn't have a plan to handle a country that was use to being governed with an iron fist by Saddam. Bush scrambled to secure the country.

During this time the press realized Bush was vulnerable. Then Abu Ghraib came to light. While the extremist were struggling for control of Iraq, the press found out that some of the suspected terrorist being held at Abu Ghraib prison had been miss treated. Now some may read this and wonder why I didn't use the word 'torture' here. I didn't on purpose. While I don't condone what was done at Abu Ghraib, it's nothing that doesn't happen in almost every prison, in every country, every day. It was still better treatment than Saddam would have given them and it happened at a time when the terrorist were taking innocent people hostage and cutting off their heads. That's no excuse for doing wrong but what happened at Abu Ghraib must be kept in perspective with what was going on in Iraq.

The press seized on this opportunity. They reported the story to world as if the US was running concentration camps in Iraq. It was a 24/7 news feast of how bad America is. They were more outraged over naked prisoners than innocent people being decapitated. The story was over reported in an effort to hurt Bush's image to the world and discredit our military's efforts in Iraq. It did but it also had many other side effects. The story fueled the terrorist and had to help them in their recruiting efforts. Because the story was blown so out of proportion, or made public at all, the President's hands became tied. Now a country full of people who were use to being governed by a heavy hand saw that the American people didn't have the stomach to deal with terrorist. The President had lost his ability to assure the Iraqi people he had the strength and might to secure their country. More chaos ensued.

The press saw how much this one story had effected people's opinions and realized two things. One they needed to expose more government and military secrets and missteps. Two, they could turn Iraq into their very own Vietnam. A blue print for shaping public opinion had already been drawn during that war. Now this generation of reporters could use it to push their liberal agenda.

When the 2004 Presidential elections were held, to the shock and dismay of the mainstream press, Bush was reelected. I believe it was at this point the press decided that no matter what it took they were going to get a Democrat elected in 2008.

They spent the next four years demonizing President Bush to America and the world. They exposed national security secrets in an effort to bring down the president. They printed and promoted every lie, conspiracy and accusation that surfaced. Facts and the country's best interest be damned. They made big plans to use the now unpopular war against any 2006 and 2008 Republican candidate. They wanted us to lose in Iraq to hurt Bush and the republican party. Only, the surge worked and Iraq started working. Immediately news about Iraq dried up. If Iraq couldn't be used to hurt the right it was off the table.

During the primaries the press heavily influenced the pick of both nominees. They highlighted the strong republicans candidates weaknesses and played down the weakness of the person they wanted to win. Mitt Romney -spotlight- he's a Mormon, might be a cult. Mike Huckabee -spotlight- he's too religious, may govern from the bible. Rudolf Giuliani -spotlight- has a lot of personal baggage, as does Newt Gingrich. Senator McCain, being a moderate was left alone. They even turned their backs on Hillary Clinton when they realized Obama was more liberal and a better story.

As soon as the primaries were over they turned the spotlight on the once ignored McCain. They focused on his age, his temper and his 90% voting record with President Bush. Even though McCain had been a thorn in Bush's side throughout his eight years in office, the press linked the two as if they were the same. This lie would hurt McCain through out the whole election process.

The skilled fund raisers, strategist, and advisers that helped Bush get elected were now off limits to McCain out of fear of proving the press right about a connection. Had he used someone like Carl Rove, the press would have pointed to it as more proof that McCain and Bush were in fact the same people. The press had effectively cut McCain off from the very people he need to get elected.

All Obama had to do was repeat the lie that voting for McCain was the same as giving Bush another four years, that's just what he did. That might have been enough in itself but combined with the lack reporting the press did on Obama's background and the election shouldn't have ever been close. Anyone who surfaced to threaten Obama was destroyed by the press. Obama never had to counter people like Sarah Palin or Joe the Plumber. The press did the dirty work so Obama could stay on a positive message. McCain on the other hand was forced to try and expose Obama's lack of experience and his questionable past associates. This made McCain come across as a mean spirited, negative person. He never had a chance. And sad to say, I don't think the American people nor the world had a fair chance to form an educated opinion with all the facts.

I could bombard you with lots of data supporting my theory but I won't. I'll just show the numbers that sum up what I'm talking about. These numbers come from independent sources.

Stories about Obama & Biden on the major networks:
65% positive / 35% negative

Stories about McCain & Palin on the major networks:
31% positive /69% negative

Anyone watching the major news outlets, other than Fox, would have concluded that it was better to vote for Obama than McCain. And they did.

I think the press has grabbed to much power during these last four years. They should not be able to decide who we elect. They should not want to influence public opinion about any situation. They are suppose to report the facts and let the public draw their own conclusions. Apparently they didn't trust the American people to make the right choice, their choice, in this past election.

If you think things are going to change anytime soon don't hold your breath. Now that the election is over several reporters and newspapers are admitting they favored Obama. Imagine that. I will leave you with this video clip. NBC's Chris Mathews, who is suppose to be a unbiased journalist, is being interviewed after the election. About halfway through the interview he states that, "I want to do everything I can to make this Presidency (Obama) work." because, "America needs a successful President." To which I have to wonder, "where were you the last eight years Chris?"

November 14, 2008

At 5:00 yesterday morning, I was sneaking out of the house for a business trip. Out of a dark hall I heard a voice ask "Daddy, what's going on?"

I saw my two sons heading towards me half asleep. I asked them why they were up and then in an eerie, monotone voice my oldest said, "when we see light, we go to it."

WTF does that mean?! Are they moths? Are they 'children of the corn' or 'Poltergeist kids'? It felt like a scene from The Shining... redrum, redrum...

Children creep me out sometimes.

November 12, 2008

I've got gas

On my way to work I passed a gas station selling gas for $1.80 a gallon.

They're practically giving it away.

I'm tempted to pump a gallon on the ground and dance a jig in it. That, or drive in a circle for about 20 miles, just.because.I.can.

November 08, 2008

Confession #9

The people I work with know absolutely nothing about computers. They think I'm a computer genius. The truth is, I'm barely computer literate but I'll never tell.

Coworker: David my computer is on but the screen is black. I'm tapping the keyboard but nothing is happening.

Me: I'll take a look. *2 seconds later* It's fixed.

Coworker: Thanks, I've been trying to get it to work for twenty minutes. I don't know how you do it.

Me: Not a problem

The fix: Her monitor was turned off. I turned it back on. Shhhhhh...

My Songs # 9

Continuing from my previous post, 10 Songs that have helped me define how I feel, how I see myself or how I see the my world over the past few years.


I Am Rock

~ Simon and Garfunkel

A winter's day

In a deep and dark December;
I am alone,
Gazing from my window to the streets below
On a freshly fallen silent shroud of snow.

I am a rock, I am an island.

I've built walls,
A fortress deep and mighty,
That none may penetrate.
I have no need of friendship; friendship causes pain.
It's laughter and it's loving I disdain.

I am a rock, I am an island.

Don't talk of love,
But I've heard the words before;
It's sleeping in my memory.
I won't disturb the slumber of feelings that have died.
If I never loved I never would have cried.

I am a rock, I am an island.

I have my books
And my poetry to protect me;
I am shielded in my armor,
Hiding in my room, safe within my womb.
I touch no one and no one touches me.

I am a rock, I am an island.

And a rock feels no pain;

And an island never cries.

November 06, 2008

One Long Night

Because I promised the boys a few months ago, I spent a night in the tree house with them a few weekends ago. And, as with most thing with this tree house, it was horrible. One of the longest nights of my life.

To start with, it had rained most of the day so it was too wet for a fire, which was to be a big part of the night. So with no fire to entertain us we climbed into the tree house and I set up a laptop. We laid on an air mattress and watched Star Wars I (which was the fourth one made... I think). My youngest son fell asleep during the movie and my oldest went out right after. That was about 10:00 pm.

I had noticed during the movie that the air mattress had been losing air. By the time the movie was over I was on the hard wood floor. Unfortunately both the boys wanted to sleep next to me. The loss of air caused me to sink which pushed both of them higher and then over on top of me from both sides. I was stuck like a duck in rut.

Then throughout the night the stars aligned against me to keep me awake. There were fire works, gun fire, a wind storm, acorns bombarding the roof, a loose shudder banging the tree house and of course the air mattress situation. I didn't get any sleep but the boys slept like rocks through it all. In the morning my back was wrecked but the boys were all smiles.

Was it worth it? Sure, once, but we'll have to get a better mattress before I agree to do it again. Oh yeah, and some ear plugs for me.

November 04, 2008

It's Over

The election is finally over, thank the Lord. At the time of this posting it doesn't appear that it will be close, which I'm happy about. The country needs a clear winner right now, not a mess that the courts have to clean up. That's not good for anyone.

I congratulate our next president Barrack Obama. I will pray that he has the wisdom, strength and courage to do what's right for this nation and all it's citizens. Also that he will keep his promise to work with other elected officials to heal this country.

I hope that the Republicans in congress will work with President Obama to solve our nations problems. That they will not sit back and let this country fall into despair in hopes of gaining political strength for their party. We the people deserve full representation even if the party in power gets the credit for moving the country forward.

This has been a long hard fought campaign and now is the time for our elected officials to take off their party hats, roll-up their sleeves and get to work for the American people.

I still have a lot of opinions about this past election process. And, as anyone might guess most of it has to do with the press. But, I will save that post for another time. Because now is the time to celebrate that, win or lose, we are lucky to live in a country where we have a choice.

God bless America.

November 03, 2008

This is a good one

I hate commercials but once in a while a good one comes along. This is the best one I've seen since the caveman commercials came out.

November 01, 2008

Halloween 2008

Lots of candy,
Lots of fun,
Halloween 2008,
It's done!