December 17, 2008

WTF's in a name?

Sometimes you just have to wonder what the hell are people thinking. I just read a story about a couple who's child was denied a birthday cake, from a store, because the store refused to put his name on it. These people actually named their child Adolf Hitler.

Obviously these people are starved for attention but why would they do this to their child? Can you imagine when this kid is accused of punching a classmate in school? Of course little Adolf did it. Forget about a military career. What about when he fills out a job application? Would you hire a man named Adolf Hitler? "We really need to land that big bible printing job, send Adolf to close the deal." Right.

The reason the parents gave for giving their child this name? They knew no one else would have it. No shit, maybe there's a reason for that. Nobody has the name "My Parents R. Morons" either. Why didn't they just go with that? At least he'd have a better chance. Grrrrr!!!


Anonymous said...

Well, thank you now i believe i have heard everything!!! lol ;) ur too funny mate!

David said...

:) Thanks

Care to make a bet at what age their son changes his name?

Anonymous said...

Downunder he could legally do it at 18yrs, otherwise he would need parents permission but if i were him i would beg my parents to change it right now!!!!! lol

Daughter of Night said...

This reminds me of a story from my eldest daughter's first year of teaching.

On the first day of school, she was calling the roll. She came to a name that, as written, she dared not say out loud. The name was: A-S-S-H-O-L-E. Figuring it was a typo, she continued down the list, skipping the name. At the end of the list, she asked if she had missed anyone.

Sure enough, a little girl raised her hand. My daughter apologized for "missing her," and asked what her name was. The little girl replied, "Asshole" (pronounced Ass-shoal-lay).

You gotta wonder. Seriously.

Maybe little Asshole and little Adolf can hook up in the future.

David said...

Irene: If he keeps it long enough to study World War II I'm sure he'll be begging to change it then. I'll bet he doesn't make it to age 10 before they start calling him something else.

Daughter: LOL! That's a great story. I can imagine my child coming home and telling us he made friends with some Asshole from his class. He'd be tasting soap for weeks. :)