June 02, 2009

Gassed, Passed and Last

About a month ago one of my gym partners asked my other partner and me to run in a 5k charity event. An odd thing to do because none of us run... at all.

Still, it was local, for a good cause and he sounded like he wanted to do it. What the hell, we both said yes. I mean it was only a little over three miles and we we're three fit guys. I think you can all see where this is going.

The event was being hosted by JCB, a heavy equipment manufacturer, based in the UK. The event was being held on their grounds, a 1000 acre plot. They have a big pond in front of their place that someone had the bright idea to have us run around to start the race. I was excited about this until I realized there was no path to run on. By the time we made it around the pond my back was already feeling it from all the uneven ground and jarring.

The funny thing was that I thought I was doing well. That all changed when I came across a sign that read "one mile". That sign broke my spirit. I honestly thought I had ran more than half of the race already. My partners were still chugging along. The heat was absurd. It felt like we were running in the desert. Luckily one of my partners brought his step daughter and she had to start walking right after the sign. Whew! If I had known her I would had volunteered to stay with her. I ran with my other partner for another mile. Then my pride would carry me no more. When I suggested we take a break "and let our other partner catch up" the one still with me was way to fast to agree.

I still wasn't feeling to bad about it all until at two and a half miles a little old lady, that very much resembled Dr. Ruth, passed us and left us eating her dust. I had a chance to catch her at the finish line but I didn't think elbowing a little old lady out of the way to beat her was going to go over to well, especially with everyone watching. Besides, she had earned the right to finish in front of me. She had earned my respect. The whole thing was very embarrassing. Next time - if there is a next time - I will do a little training first. Then Dr. Ruth will go down, oh yes she will.


Time Traveller said...

'I mean it was only a little over three miles' hahahaha! :')

A marathon is only twenty six 1 mile runs!

Well done for trying though! You ran 2.5 miles without stopping, that's good for a first effort.

How long did it take?

Will you do it again??

Daughter of Night said...

Running = BAH!

The other night I was walking with a friend of mine in an area of town known for health-conscious people and community spirit. As we were walking, a very fit young man jogged past us. But his version of "jogging" was pretty fast.

I marveled at him for a moment before I said, "I don't even run that fast when I'm scared."

My friend laughed, not knowing that it was really the sad, sad truth.

Running = BAH!

David said...

TT: ha! I wish 2.5! I only ran 2 miles before stopping. It was at 2.5 miles that the Dr. Ruth look-a-like past me. :(

I think I finished at 32 minutes and some few seconds.

Of course I'll do it again. I have to redeem myself. And beat Dr. Ruth. grrr

Daughter: I didn't think you got scared ;)

Yeah, my short ass legs are not built for running. Neither is my weight. My wii fit registers be as borderline obese on the BMI chart.

David = No Runner

Jen said...

I don't run anymore unless something is chasing me. And even in that case, it seriously depends on what it is.

Daughter of Night said...

I get scared. I just don't waste the precious little energy I have have by running.