January 06, 2010

Call me petty

I can be petty. There I said it. It's true. I guess I'm a person that believes the devil is in the details and the details can be... well, pretty petty sometimes.

Recently the wife and I have been having issues over some online friends she maintains and the things they are into. Mostly the problem has been about typical stuff, spending too much time online with them, too much time on the phone with them, too much twittering with them, too much... really just too much with them. This excess has led to other problems which led us to have a big heart to heart about all of it.

After our talk she agreed she was rather obsessed with it all and that she knew it was hurting our marriage and in some areas the children too. I never asked her to give up any of it as I thought the time she spent participating in that stuff should be her idea. Forcing someone to to make a choice is not really making a choice at all is it?

So, over the last few months she has cut way back on her computer time. For the most part things have been better because we've both been trying to put our family and each other first. BUT, there has been the occasional moments when I have walked in a room to see her huddled in a corner with her phone, only to put it away when she realizes I'm in the room. Or, turning her computer off when I come in from outside unexpectedly. I haven't said anything other than telling her it wasn't necessary to do that because acting suspicious only tends to make others be suspicious. If she wants to do it, she needs to just do it.

Then over Christmas holidays she announced she was going to the phone store to buy a Blackberry. A phone she has wanted for a long time because it will allow her to be in non-stop communication with her online friends. A phone she knows I would have an issue with. This was confirmed when she asked me to set it up for her, "even though I know you may have a problem with the reason I got this phone can you help me set it up?" I did, without saying a negative word.

The days that followed I noticed her spending more time shut-up in our bedroom away from the family. Upon my entry I noticed she very slyly slipped the phone into a drawer. Why.? I have no idea because I have said nothing about the phone. Of course my lack of interest in it probably says it all.

So here's the petty part, I'm not going to take calls from her new cell phone, for now anyway. Childish? Perhaps... ok sure it is, but clearly the phone was not purchased to communicate with me, in fact, it was purchased knowing on some level it would hurt me.

I know writing this makes me sound like some kind of control freak but that clearly isn't the case. I've demanded she give up nothing. As I've said, I know it has to be her decision. I have not tried to guilt her or manipulate her into doing things my way. I've simply stated how I feel and let her decide how she wants to react, no retaliation, until now I suppose. She had a great phone before, she has her own laptop that I have told her I won't use or even touch. The phone she had did almost everything the Blackberry will do but the Blackberry is what all her internet friends use.

So call me petty if you want to, but don't call me at all if you are using her Blackberry, because for now, I'm not going to answer. thhhhpppppp!!!!


Daughter of Night said...

I have to come back to this, even though I'm not sure what it is I want to think through before commenting.

FOr now:

Petty? Yes. Uncalled for? I'm not sure.

On the other side:

Deceptive? Ohhhh, yes. Suspect? Hmmmmmm.

Daughter of Night said...

Well, I'm back... and still not sure what to say.

I'll start by saying: ha ha! Blackberrys SUCK! She should have done a little research instead of listening to her internet friends on this one. Ha ha!!

Ahem. Now, all pettiness aside...

Firstly, I'm sorry. Not in a million years would I have guessed that this stuff was still an issue. Not in a TRILLION years. Because you make a good point: this is all well and good until it starts to impact the family as a whole.

You also mentioned that you aired your thoughts and feelings but demanded nothing... which seems very reasonable to me... and that you respect her enough to allow the time spent with her friends and hobbies to be her choice (with the explicitly unspoken but still implicit edict that it not affect the family or marriage)... which has only (from your point of view, which is my only frame of reference) resulted in surreptitious behavior regarding all-things-internet. Which I find... odd. Because, as you said... why hide?

Perhaps it's more fun that way? Perhaps she's come to think of this as her little rebellion? Lost teenagerhood and all that rot? I don't know.

But I have to say I really respect the way you're handling this. All pettiness aside, I think you are generally acting in a very mature, understanding, and honorable manner. She can always call you from the house phone. :-)

Jen said...

It's definitely a problem for her if it's cutting into the time she should be spending with you and the kids. Definitely. And you're right, she knew on some level that it would hurt you if she got it, but went ahead with it anyhow.
Not answering her calls? That makes me giggle and roll my eyes at the same time.

I have to side with Daughter also, Blackberrys suck! She should have got a Palm Pre.

And, did you say that she's hiding her phone from you?

David said...

I told her last night that I didn't feel comfortable, right now, taking calls from her new phone. Yeah... that went over like a lead zeppelin.

Now she IS trying to paint me as a control freak that wants to keep her from talking to her friends. I'm at a total loss. Do I check her computer? No. Do I check her phone?no. Do I ask her who she was just talking to on the phone as she slipped into the next room and closed the door? No. Do I get her schedule for the day or ask her how she spends the six hours the kids are in school? No. Do I support girl's nights out? Yes. Trips without me? Yes. When I asked for an example of this controlling behavior the only one given was "I make her FEEL like I don't like her internet friends when they call." WTF is that? I don't say anything when they call, just like I don't say anything when her local friends or family call. Do I like? Hell no but I don't have to, they aren't my friends.

Daughter: Thanks, I'm just trying to treat her like an adult. What else can I do?

Jen: What I call hiding, she's calling "keeping it safe from the kids". Whateverrrrrrrrr

Seriously, what do monks get paid to live in the monasteries? If it's decent I might think about a career switch. :)

As for the Blackberry... to complicate things more, I've had one for awhile. Company issued and I don't text or instant message anyone on it. Down here everybody thinks the Blackberry is da bomb. I've always thought of it as just a phone. It works well for that I suppose.

Jen said...

You want Daughter and me to start calling you? Give us your number and we'll start texting. I'm a texting God!
What's good for the goose...
Maybe it would let her know how you feel without you being a "control freak"

David said...

LOL! Do you have anymore gas you would like to throw on this fire?!!!

Yeah... I don't think me having two intelligent, beautiful women calling and texting me equals her giggling about her secrets with her girl friends on her Blackberry. :)

Jen said...

Now that you ask, we could send you pictures of what we're wearing as we text you. In my case, it's very little.

Time Traveller said...

I can join in on the texting :) I'm good at texting. Very good.

Seriously ... I don't think you should not take her calls. She'll end up using that one thing to justify her actions in some way.

'Yes I shouldn't be spending all this time on the phone with my internet friends but you should be grown up enough to take my calls'.

I'm really suprised at the Wife, from what you've said about her in the past, I neverwould have thought this would happen.

All I can think is, as I've said before and as Daughter said, she's reliving her childhood .. hopefully soon she'll realise like most children eventually do ... what her priorities are.

Daughter of Night said...

I have text-happy fingers AND I have pictures. Could be a good time.

Wait, I think I said all pettiness aside. LOL!

I keep coming back to this post, though I'm not sure why. I think I feel that there's something SO obvious, SO plain-as-the-nose-on-your-face that we are missing in this scenario. Something that might, well, somehow make all of this... explainable.

I just keep coming back to a small but stubborn rebellion. But why? That's the part I can't figure out. Mid-life crisis? Homemaker blues?


David said...

It's definitely mid-life crisis. She turns 40 this year, she's friending girls in their early twenties, dressing a little younger these days as well. Right on time I guess. *shrug*

She did close her twitter account yesterday and her (other) facebook account, which I never asked her to do. But it seems like an empty gesture knowing she has her blackberry now... so she's given up nothing. It all turning into a bunch of chess moves and I'm not even playing this time but I'm not ready to lay my King down either.

Worse, "How do you solve a problem like Maria?" keeps playing in my head, which is irritating enough in itself. grrrrr! But the truth is I don't know the solution to this problem. She's locked into the phone for two years and even if she wanted to give it up, which she doesn't, she really can't. Now, for me, the phone has become a symbol of her choosing another life over our life. So I ask myself "what could she do to fix things (so to speak)?" Right now, I can't think of anything, which isn't fair to her. I'm really stumped on this one.