March 23, 2010

What can we give up next?

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
~ Benjamin Franklin

For the first time in American history we are being mandated by the government to purchase something just because we are alive. Of course, this thing we must purchase is for our own good according to the government. I guess as long as the government deems it in our best interest we should comply. One must wonder though, how many personal responsibilities we will turn over to Uncle Sam before we have no rights left to exercise at all? And yes, we did willingly turn this liberty over to the government to manage when the majority of Americans voted for a leader and party that promised to do just that. Sort of democracy to end democracy I suppose.

Over the next fews years, I predict, that our bias press will promote the favorable parts of this health care legislation, as the best parts are set to be implemented first by design. Once hooked, like a kid on crack, all the bad parts that follow will be willingly swallowed to keep our fix. No crystal ball is needed to predict this either. All one has to do is look at the pyramid scheme that is Social Security to realize once we start down a government paved road there is little going back.

So now that my right to manage my health has been taken I would like to ask my keepers a few questions. Things like, how do you start up a trillion dollar program when other social programs are in the process of going broke? How do you add 32 million people to the health care system without adding more, doctors, facilities and other key personnel? Can I drop the coverage our company provides for our employees because I know they will be required to cover themselves now?

At least the government did do something to show the evil insurance agencies who's boss. I mean how can the insurance industry stand the thought of 32 million more people being forced to buy their product? That's got to hurt, huh? But I have to wonder, which group I'd rather deal with concerning my life. The evil insurance companies or the people who set up and run the IRS? Oh well, that's one choice I don't have to can't make anymore. Now, if we could get them to create an agency that would come pick out the color of my shirt in the morning life would be so much easier.


Daughter of Night said...

I'm giggling because my only other choice is to cry. And I HATE crying at work.

Nice summary, David. I have much more to say, but your blog isn't the place for it.

But I've been asking people the same thing since Sunday: What will they decide for us next? And when will you see the scary surreptitiousness of it all? When it's too late?

Maybe it already is. I mourn my beloved COuntry.

Jen said...

Wear green.

David said...

Daughter: I was going to list the last bit of freedoms we enjoy that aren't infringed upon by the government... but I couldn't think of one, not one. :(

Jen: LOL! I do like green :)