June 19, 2007

I don't see it

Can someone please explain this to me? Two of the wife's all time favorite movies are, The Shawshank Redemption and The Replacements. I just thought it was her being weird but as I browse blogs, more and more I see these movies listed as women's favorites.

WTF is that? The Shawshank Redemption is a prison movie complete with prison rape scenes of adolescent boys. The Replacements is a cheesy sports movie. I know Keanu Reeves is in the movie but even if he does "do it for women" certainly that in itself isn't enough to lift this film to a favorite, is it?

Even stranger, I dislike both of these movies. I can't understand how anyone would find them entertaining after seeing them once but every time they're on the wife watches them. Anyway after discussing this odd event I told the wife I would throw it up on the blog and see what others thought.

Yes, the wife finally figured out I had my own blog and she's cool with it. A lot of questions but cool with it.


harbinger said...

I never realized that. Shawshank was good, very good in my opinion. As for the other, I hate sports movies and Canoe Reeves couldn't act his way out of a highschool play.
My wife said they are okay, but not favorites so I don't know.

Let the cat out of the bag eh,RT.

Time Traveller said...

Shawshank is a very respectable movie. It appears in the top ten of a lot of men I know too though.

I like it because of the commeradery (sp?)

HAHA! she knows! what did she say? if she's like any woman I know - she won't rest until she finds it.

I suggest a decoy blog to throw her off the scent.

Daughter of Night said...

I agree - The Shawshank Redemption is a favorite among men and women alike (including me). I loved the novella years ago and was very impressed with the way it was brought to the big screen (I am usually very disappointed in movies made from my favorite books/stories).

THe Replacements is a movie I've never seen, which must mean that here is another example of the topics I missed by failing to attend Girl School.

WHat I'm mostly interested in (along with other commenters) is what happened with the wife and your "secret" blog?


David said...

Men I can understand, HB your wifes reaction to the movies seems normal in my opinion.

Yep she knows. I think she's known for awhile but she trust me and she thought I was ranting about politics and such and could care less.

Each one of you contributed, in some way, to her wanting to confirm I had my own blog. The xmas card of course (20 something), reading a book about quantum physics and knowing more about cameras than I should (daughter), a sudden interest in the way certain types of bread are baked and taste (Jen), why I know anything about a Spice girl (Lindsay) and a few pictures I showed her (HB's house)

The ones that put it over the top was asking her help on a shirt size I was trying to buy from The Liverpool Football Club (Spiller) and my sudden change in music thanks to my "still Smiling" blogger music list.

We do have a family blog and it was when a friend of ours started commenting on it that she saw how it all worked and realized I must have my own blog. Initially she wanted to know if I talked about her and what I said. I told her I had blogged about her but tried to be fair about it. I told her she could see it if she wanted too but I would rather her not as it would change the way I blog. She seemed to realize it's a good outlet for me and as I said she trust me.

We have had some fun with it. If she does something I don't like or funny to me I say "okay, that's a blog post!" and we both laugh about it. :)

Jen said...

I liked the Shawshank Redemption, so does James. (I liked it better in print though.) Neither of us have seen The Replacements for a couple of reasons... :)

Cool that your wife knows about the blog. Cooler still that she's giving you free reign to express yourself.

Time Traveller said...

She will find it - you may think she's ok with not knowing - but she will find it ... oh yes ... she will find it.

Daughter of Night said...

I'm glad you are being supported in your blogging efforts!

I'll try not to ask you to do anything else out of character....


David said...

20 Something: Ha! she doesn't have to find it. I offered to show it to her. I use the same password for my blog as I do my family blog. I would very disappointed if she felt the need to look for it after that. Her big fear was that I was getting online and trashing her and getting back negative comments based on one sided stories. Honestly, she doesn't seem all that interested.

Daughter: You never asked me to do anything. I just found your way of thinking interesting enough that I wanted to learn more :) Half the reason I blog is to open my mind to new ways of thinking. I hope you and the others never stop pushing me to do that. I'm proud of that list up there, I hope I can continue to learn new things that improve my character, so pleaseeees don't stop challenging my way of thinking. :))

Freak said...

Shawshank redemption! A classic!!!! I love it. Such a good story and the actor's are perfect for this film. A true story of survival. One of my favourites and Spiller's - I always forget about this one.

Spiller5 said...

Shawshank is a classic film built on Hope! Its all about hope and in respect of life if you dont have hope what do you have??
I think thats why it appeals to a lot of people because no matter what he went through in the 20 years of being inside he always had hope!
Mind you, 20 years with no sleep digging that tunnel must have been a right bitch ;-)

David said...

Thanks, all blog spot! I'm sure me and the other 10,000 people you left a comment on are very happy you decided to stop by :)

I went to leave a comment on your site but it was just advertising, and no comment box :( on top of that team member sumi has her profile blocked, no fair!

But still I'm glade you took the time to write the whole comment out, it really meant a lot. So thanks again.