June 30, 2007

A reason to say "penis" four times

I saw this news story last week. It's about an ad campaign in Australia attempting to get young male speeders to slow down. They are trying to do this by urging female drivers to wave their pinkie finger at the male speeders suggesting that the male speeder has a small penis. Yes, I said it right, a small penis. WTF is that?!

Seriously, that ranks as one of the stupids things I've ever heard. As a young male this would have encouraged my friends and me to speed. First of all any hint that the women in the next car was thinking about our penis would have made us giddy with excitement. To a young man there is nothing negative about a women commenting on his penis, in any fashion, unless she was actually looking at it but even then maybe not. We would have probably made up a game to see how many times a day we could have gotten a girl to give us the little finger.

So the result of this great ad campaign may be that young men will speed up hoping to get a woman's attention. What's next, flashing to get men to turn on their headlights? Brilliant!


harbinger said...

I know this may seem hard to believe but, I do have a few friends and one of them is pure Aussie, we are close so I can honestly tell you they don't think right. Nothing coming out of Australia fazes me.

Freak said...

What an odd story! I never understood why men get offended by comments regarding their penis. It is just a penis? But to use that against speeding is odd.

I tell you a funny story. The other day I was in a rush, you will hate me because I am one of those impatient people on the roads that get up peoples' backsides if I am running late...

Anyway I was driving down a country lane and the couple in front were doing 20 mph I was like Nooooooooo. So I tried to hurry them up hoping they would pull over and let me overtake. I had taken laxatives the night before (due to personal reasons) and was desperato for the loo! So I was a bit close to them being pushy for them to get out of the way.

Anyway the guy decides to stop his car in the middle of the road. I was like WTF? He gets out of the car, opens the boot and asks me if I wanted to get in.

I was nearly in tears at this point...

David said...

HB: That would explain it *nod*

Lindsay: ROTFLMAO, Your lucky that's all he did! I guess that wouldn't have been the time to give him the little finger ;)

harbinger said...

Lindsay you are totally hilarious.
That could only happen to you.

Daughter of Night said...


Penises are fun.


David said...

Daughter: But not funny ;)

Jen said...

Oh, I don't know about that RT... I think some of 'em are funny too.

David said...

LOL, I won't be touching that!

Jen said...

I generally don't touch 'em either!
It's just so easy to have a dirty mind! Why would anyone resist this?!

(Must sleep soon!)

Time Traveller said...

Lindsay: WTF?!

Men obsess about their penises too much. It would be fun to have one for a day though.

David said...

PENIS ENVY!!! -----> *points finger at 20 Something* lol

No obsession here, I'm to busy obsessing over what you women have ;)

Freak said...

LOL glad you all found it funny! HB - that is funny you said that - that is what my best mate said.

RW - what does ROTFLAMO mean???

David said...

Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off

I didn't know what it was either until daughter used it a few months ago :)