October 02, 2008

Snake Oil

Fools rush in
Where wise men never go

I've been watching the financial gears of this country grind to a halt and I can't help but laugh.

The Democrats, who have been screaming the President is an idiot for eight years, turned to him for guidance and direction to solve the financial crisis. Not only did they follow his lead, they lobbied for his plan to their party members who weren't buying it. If you call someone a fool and then follow their lead what does that make you?

The financial institutions, who are partly to blame, have their hand out for public money to help so they can survive. These are the same businesses that have been sticking it to us for years with ridiculous rates and fees. These same businesses, with their 'we're too big to care about an individual customer' attitude now wants mom and pop to care about them. I say put them on hold, make them do the finger digit dance as they listen to the awful music. Let them wonder for awhile if a real person is going to answer the phone and help. Press #1 if you are hearing me.

Wall Street, who has no morals or concerns about John Q Public, now screams that if we don't bail them out we are only hurting ourselves. I'm sorry but I won't be shedding any tears for these guys either. They are the masters of buying companies and selling off their assets to squeeze out every dime for profit, yet I haven't heard many of these companies selling off assets or divisions to raise capital. It's an all or nothing proposition they're trying to force. My children do the same thing, only they hold their breath hoping to get what they want. The only thing is, it doesn't work for the kids.

So here's the deal. We are going to give them around 800,000,000,000.00 dollars, eight hundred billion dollars, because they are slowly turning off the credit tap. Either we give them the money or they won't finance our houses, cars and stuff. It's blackmail plain and simple and we're going to do it. Shame on us.

Wouldn't it have made more sense to set up a fund of eight hundred billion that they could borrow from if they were desperate enough? If they volunteered to partake of this fund they would be subject to very strict government oversight (to the level of unbearable) until they paid back the money with interest. If they defaulted on the loan then assets would be seized and sold. The heavy regulation would have guaranteed only companies that needed help would have taken it and would have motivated them to pay back the money as fast as possible. It would also limit the role of government in the financial market. Of course nobody asked me so we're going to go with the 'blackmail 800,000,000,000.00 dollar thing' and hold our noses... and close our eyes.


Jen said...

"If you call someone a fool and then follow their lead what does that make you?"

They're all fools. Obviously - they're in politics! There has to be something fundamentally wrong with you to go into that line of work... IMO.

Nice rant.

Oh, and the president is an idiot.

Daughter of Night said...

OK, David. Who are you REALLY???

Sometimes your'e so brilliant it's scary.

David said...

Jen: I'm sure I think he's an idiot for different reasons than you do. :) It' been hard to stay away from the POLITICAL rants these days but I think I'm doing pretty good.

Daughter: *blush* I'm just me, as I've always said. Brilliant? LOL, if you only knew. I don't even know brilliant's zip code. But hey, I'll take all the compliments you're willing to throw at me, thanks. :)

Jen said...

You are brilliant by the way.

I've tried to stay away from political rants recently too. It's a tough one!
Good post tho.