November 14, 2007

When I started this blog

It's been one year since I started this blog...

When I started this blog, to be honest, I thought if I made it a year I would be thrilled and I am. It's a harder task than I first realized. I have a lot of admiration for those who have accomplished this feat. I would suspect the average life of a blog is very short. It seems most people start out with great enthusiasm only to realize keeping a regular blog can be a bit of a chore when life gets busy or dull.

When I started this blog it was with the intention to vent my frustrations. My way of saying FUCK YOU to the world without having to care what someone thought but I quickly learned that's not the type person I am. Even in the anonymous world of Blogger I couldn't shrug off my feelings, concerns and wonderment for life and my fellow man.

When I started this blog I promised myself I would stick to certain rules. It wasn't easy but I think I've managed to keep my promise. I promised I would be honest, that I would write what I wanted, not what I think others wanted to hear. I wanted my blog to be for me, about me and reflect the person I am. I'm fairly satisfied with the outcome.

When I started this blog I had low expectations. I had read some fantastic blogs that weren't being read by anyone or very few. I knew I could never write anything that would equal these peoples efforts. To this day I can't understand why my blog gets any attention while these amazing blogs go almost unnoticed.

When I started this blog I never dreamed anyone would actually read it. Having people read and comment on my blog added an amazing aspect to blogging that I could never have imagined. Being a person who has always had a hard time expressing myself in literary form or any form as far as that goes, I have to admit the thought of people actually reading something I wrote was and is a bit scary. I've been surprised and overwhelmed at times by peoples interest, kindness and concerns regarding aspects of my thoughts and life.

When I started this blog, because I never thought I would get even a single comment, I never considered how hard it would be to communicate with people in this medium. I have to admit I have struggled at times to read people and understand their attitude towards me and my thoughts. It can be a bit of a head trip at times. Over the past year I have even questioned my ability and worthiness to blog as well as my qualifications as a commenter. Insecurity on my part? Maybe, but I've come to understand that is part of who I am as well.

When I started this blog I never dreamed it would spill over into my everyday life. That I would have conversations with the wife and friends about what bloggers thought, said and did. I never thought that I would consider my fellow bloggers opinions when I did something or that I would look forward to telling them about something that had happened. I absolutely could have never conceived that people I didn't know and had never met would help me work through problems that people in my life couldn't or wouldn't do.

When I started this blog a year ago I was in a much different place in my life. I have moved on from that place and life is better because I did. I can't help but feel that this blog and all those who participated on it helped me do that. So thanks to everybody for the wonderful experience, that I never expected, when I started this blog.


Jen said...

I didn't realize it had been a year. Very cool RT.
I know that my life is richer for having as a friend, and I'm glad you look forward to telling us about things cause I definitely look forward to reading them.
Again, very very cool RT.

David said...

:D It's amazing that I was able to find just the right people to make this such a wonderful experience. People who are able to give me new perspectives on my way of thinking in an intelligent and respectful way...people like you! :)

Daughter of Night said...

Thank YOU, RT, for sharing yourself and your life with us. I know MY life is much richer for your efforts.


Lou said...

That was a really heartwarming post RT, I feel exactly the same way about my blogging, it's good to hear someone else is having the same positive experience. I don't think you realise how well you write or how wonderfully rounded and interesting your posts are. Happy 1 year anniversary anyway, :D

Jen said...

22,202 hits is pretty impressive yourself Lou!!
Welcome to the blogging circle.

David said...

Daughter: Thanks! :) just think, without blogging I would never be able to experience the unique perspective you bring to the world. To be honest, I didn't know people like you existed. I'm sooooo glad I know now. You have opened my eyes to so much, so thank you.

Lou: *blush* I think blogging is like anything else in life, it's what you make of it. I've been lucky enough to have some GREAT support here.

I agree with you 100% about it being a positive experience. I think we all blog for different reasons. For me it's been so much more than I had hoped for. My fellow bloggers have absolutely helped me get past some serious issues.

Thanks for your kind words.