April 22, 2007

Could you "Look at this?"

What is wrong with people? Lately I've been overwhelmed with people wanting me to "come look at this. "

Them: Hey, got a second? I need you to look at something.

No I'm busy, just tell me what it is.

Well, I think you need to look at it.

What is it?

This thing is broke in half, you may want to take a look.

Just get John to fix it, that's what he's here for.

I just thought you would like to see it first.

At this point I keep working at my desk for a few minutes but I can still feel the "presence" of a person staring at me. I look up, they're still there. I'm clearly aggravated. I go look because it's easier than whatever else it will take to make them leave me alone.

Yep, broke in half just like you said... get John to fix it.

Yeah, I already told him about it, I just thought you should see it.

WTF?!!! I have these conversations all day, at work, at home, everywhere. It drives me crazy. For the most part I'm an A to B guy. If I'm not involved in A or B I don't want to see it, hear it and in most cases even know about it, because contrary to popular belief I have a lot to do that does not require you "seeing it". See, I just do my job or chore and complete it. In the case where I would like to involve someone else, when it's not necessary, I find it's better to do it at the end of a task. That way I can be bombarded with lots of praise (yeah, right).


John: Could you come look at this thing they just brought me

It's ok, I've already seen it. It's broke in half.

Oh you've already seen it, well come look at what broke it in half.

Here we go again. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!


Daughter of Night said...

:::::wiping tears of mirth from my eyes:::::::


David said...


I'm really beginning to think everybody else is normal and I'm some kind of weirdo. That can't be right, can it? Maybe it is me. *scratches head*

harbinger said...

Maybe you are a weirdo, but if it ain't broke, don't try to fix it.

Just join the club!

Anonymous said...

Great work.