April 26, 2007

Happy Birthday Jacob

Happy 7th Birthday Jacob!

April 26, 2000
Happy Birthday to the biggest ham in the world!
You make us laugh every day.
Keep questioning everything, don't give into the man (me)
We love you buddy!


Daughter of Night said...

Blessed events galore!

Happy Birthday, little guy!!


harbinger said...

Happy BD Jacob, Ah 7, the good years.

Freak said...

Aww bless he looks rreally cheeky! Happy birthday.

David said...

Thanks guys, he had a great day! :)

I wish I was seven again, :( instead of just acting like it :)

Daughter of Night said...

Happy Birthday, RT!!


David said...

Thanks Daughter :)

Just so you know this will be the last year I have one. I think 39 is quiet enough already, sheesh!

harbinger said...

39, Puppy!