April 13, 2007

It's official, I'm a blog killer

Well it finally happened, I'm officially a blog killer. I had once mentioned to Jen that I had left a comment on a persons blog and they never posted again, in a sense, killing it. She informed me that you had to have at least three blog kills for it to be official. Well it's official because I have three confirmed blog kills under my belt.

The first wasn't to bad. The person wasn't posting much, I left a comment they ignored it, then posted again. I left another comment and then nothing. That was six months ago.

The second was worse. A guy from Singapore was posting about his life and stuff. In his last post he was pondering the thought of plastic surgery on his nose. Nobody had ever left him a comment before so I left him one. The next day his blog was gone. I mean the address didn't exist anymore. Gone, poof, goodbye.

The third, pretty much like the first with the exception that he answered my comment with a very nice follow up. I made a second comment and... you guessed it, ghost town blog.

So all you bloggers out there beware, there's a blog killer on the loose and he just might know your blog address :)


Jen said...

I love the picture you picked for this post.
To me the guy in it is saying "Here, have some yummy knife point in your eye. It's good." His hand is held out offering a little stab for the weekend.

Take comfort in all the blogs you haven't killed. :)

harbinger said...

Good thing Iam immortal, you can never kill me, I won't go away, I won't, never, you here me!

David said...

I like the picture too :) I was trying to find a picture of a knife stuck in a computer but this picture showed up and I said "even better".

Of course a zombie hacking a keyboard would have been the best :p

HB: you may or may not be immortal but what about your blog? :|

Freak said...

That happened to me not so long ago. I was reading a blog about a girl in the US who wanted to kill herself. I left a comment trying to reasure her, and give her ways to improve her self esteem. She never replied but is still blogging , so at least she's not dead.

harbinger said...

yes I find it really strange when you take the time to comment on someones blog and then they don't say anything in return. I read a guy's blog once and he was begging for responses so I did, nothin. I checked the blog for weeks, nothin. Very strange.

(I got banned from a site for life the other month, can you beat that.)

Daughter of Night said...

Thank you, RT. I am now blaming my inattention to my blog on you.

My blog is in hiding because it fears for it's life.


David said...

Lindsay: that is odd, did she leave the post up about hurting herself? In my case all three blogs are now inactive :( or gone :o

HB: I never expect a comment in return. If they want to great, if not, I'll move on, if they delete my comment (never has happened...yet) I can take a hint. But to stop posting all together seems extreme. What did you do to get banned?

Daughter: Glade I can be of service. I did notice that my last comment was the last activity on your blog until you posted today :)

And you can run but you can't hide :) of course why would you I still remember your into pummeling *tremble* ;)

harbinger said...

It was a pure anti-american site but they were posing as an anti-terrorism
site. Every post they put up maligned the Americans and the British, constantly bashing them, nary a word about the terrorists.
I reamed them for about three weeks, three or four comments a day, heavy duty reaming I must add. They couldn't take it anymore so they complained to whoever and I got banned for life.
The sad part is the amount of people buying into it, it was scary.
I almost stopped afew times because the wife said it was making me crazy but I couldn't help myself, I just can't stand that crap.

Freak said...

Totally irrelevant to the post but if you still listen to your MP3 - try fall out boy , dance , dance - great tune!

David said...

Yes, I'm still listening :)

I'm going to do a update soon. I'll check it out ;) Thanx