April 09, 2007

Like you or not I'm still reading, Grrrrrrr!

Just so everybody knows, Leonard Pitts Jr. really pisses me off sometimes.

He such a great writer but he often takes the opposite position of mine. Grrrr! Then he writes a column like he did today, which was great. That's the part that pisses me off. I wish he sucked so I could just quit reading his stuff. Again Grrrrr!!! Here's his column if you have minute.


Freak said...

That's always the way though! And that is what makes a good writer - someone who always gets a reaction. I like your weather thingy by the way :)

David said...

I agree, I just don't understand these writers that are clearly intelligent and then they write columns that are so obviously flawed due to agendas they have. I've read some of his stuff and thought "clearly you are to smart to believe what you just wrote."