April 03, 2007

My 100th Post, Ta Da

Maybe some of you haven't been counting, so you may not have noticed that this is my 100th post. Maybe not a big deal to some of you veteran bloggers, old timers if you will, but it means a lot to me. I really never thought I would make it this far. It's not as easy one might think. I take my hat off to all of you who have already accomplished this feat. (which is a big gesture considering my hat is covering my still dark dyed hair)

Sure some of you might be saying "yeah, you had a hundred post but we're still waiting for you to say something." To all of you who say that I say "bite me!"

I have learned a lot along the way. Important things too, like spelll check is a must, punctuation isn't, not everything sounds the way it's typed so you better learn how to use emotions :) and much, much more.

I've also learned a lot from my fellow bloggers and I plan to borrow (steal) and use every damn bit of it too. So if you see an idea I've pinched from you please don't get upset, just accept it as a form of flattery because there's not much you can do about it anyway :p Of course I'm not admitting to anything but thanks for the ideas... that I didn't use... ever.

I would like to mention just a few of the subjects that have been posted and commented on. They are in no certain order and this is by no means a complete list (that should cover me, in case I left something out)

My Children
Matt Hughes
The gym, the gym, the gym
Lime green
My Butt
Pod People
The Muppets
Gray Hair
and more

Seriously, (yes it's possible, but not likely) I did have to cross a few hurdles to get here;

The fear of posting something stupid, got over that fast didn't I? (you're looking at the proof right now)
The fear that no one would read my blog.
The even bigger fear that someone would.
The fear that no one would understand what the hell I'm saying (Hush, I know what you're thinking)
The fear that I would offend someone (which I'm sure I did)
The fear of "putting it out there"
Say to much (again, hush)
Not saying enough
And hiding it from the wife, no easy task :)

I can honestly say I'm glade I did it and I look forward to seeing what's in the future for this blog and all my fellow bloggers.

Oh, and the most surprising thing I learned in my first hundred post.... Drum Roll Please..... Women talk about sex way more than men!!! :) Who would have thought it?


harbinger said...

Congrats! I am so glad you made it to 100. I just can't believe you are that old.

Time Traveller said...

'my butt' :) haha.

I don't know why, but that post made my chuckle a few times.

Congratulations ... who would have thought you had so much shit to talk about? Or is that 'who would have known you could talk so much shit?'.

Joke! :)

Jen said...

*clap clap*
I'm glad we're on the same carnival ride baby!

David said...

Hb: thank you, I think you mean you can't believe my blog is that old, right? I'm sure that's what you meant. Although a hundred post in blog years is like 347 in human years because most blogs get abandoned fairly quickly. (yeah, I just made all that up, I have no idea)

20 Something: I'm glade you laughed, it was done tongue-in-cheek. I think the latter of you statements is correct :)

I do have to point out that out of all that the things you could have focused on you picked 'my butt' LOL

Jen: thank you, I'll share a car with you anyday, love having the company :) I'm not even sure what that means but it sounds like how I feel :)

Time Traveller said...

yes I focused on your butt. Its a big target! How could I miss?! :)

Joke! I'm only taking the michael because you said your wife and her sister like to take the piss out of your butt. :)

I'm sure it's a very fine butt. :)

damn it. show us.

Freak said...

Congrats - its quite an achivement isnt it? I felt like that too. I might read back through your blog later and look at previous posts.

Daughter of Night said...


Now you'll have to tell me how to use spell check on Blogger... I don't know how and I know I need it.

I look forward to the next 100. :-)


David said...

20 Something: That's exactly what they would have said:) scary to think three of you could be doing it :|

As far as showing my ass in public, doubtful :)

Lindsay: Thanks, I am quiet proud of myself.

Daughter: Thanks, Blogger has a spell check for post and it use to have a spell check in the comments box but one day it just went away. Which is kind of sad because we were friends :( Now I just write everything in my email and copy it over. David = worse speller in the world. :)

Wait, 100 more? You mean I'm not done? OMG! LOL