April 08, 2007

To stay or not pre-k, that is the question

Last week was filled with anxiety and dread about a meeting the wife and I had about our middle son. He attends a special school for kids with disabilities. He's been going there for almost a year and we have yet to get any information on his progress. Next year he will be old enough to go to kindergarten but the big question is "will he be ready?"

The wife and I really have mixed feelings about this decision. If we hold him back, he will be labeled as a 'special needs' kid and never looked at as 'normal again'. If we pushed him forward to fast he might be teased and have his confidence shattered when he realizes he can't keep up.

The meeting included four teachers from his current school and the pre-k. We discussed his progress since he was placed in the program, how he measured up to kids his age, if he was ready to advance and what he would be expected to do if we did allow him to go to kindergarten.

To be honest, the wife and I weren't expecting good news. We have definitely seen improvements in him but didn't feel he was anywhere near his peers. Also, he had reverted to baby talking in the last month and starting to crawl more than a four year old should. Needless to say we've lost a lot of sleep lately.

Well the meeting couldn't have gone better. We found out that he had made huge progress since beginning the program. He is up to par with his age group in nine out of twelve categories. Only behind in his communication skills. His current teacher said she felt the special program he was currently in didn't have anything left to offer him. She strongly recommended he move on. After the pre-k teachers heard all that our son had accomplished they agreed he was ready and said he sounded like he would fit right in with kids his age. So it looks like he will start school with all the other four year olds in our community. We couldn't be happier.

The baby talk and crawling turned out to be something he was copying from another kid in his class. Another good reason to move him out of the there. As soon as we stopped accepting the baby talk, he stopped doing it. Just normal parenting stuff, key word being normal.


harbinger said...

That's really great news, I never would have thought about a peril like him being in the class itself could hold him back, good to get him out of there. Better for him to imitate the so called normal kids if any.

Jen said...

Thats great RT.
The unknown is always worse.
I was afraid when Mike started school that he wouldn't be accepted, and the other kids would make fun of him. That seems be a normal parent anxiety.
What a great story!

David said...

Thanks Guys! It's scary to know you have to make the "right" decisions that will affect him for the rest of his life. We were even happier to learn he already knows everything they teach in pre-k so the test will be to see if he can communicate it to his teachers.

Keep your fingers crossed for him. :)

Daughter of Night said...

Fabulous news!

I know he will perform wonderfully on his test. So I don't need to cross my fingers.



Time Traveller said...

thats wonderful news :) well done all of you. I guess it helps that he has siblings at home too?

David said...

Thanks, daughter we just never seem to know how he'll do with anything. It's odd, because he's gotten good at pretending he understands you. Sometimes it takes a moment to realize he has no idea what's going on.

20 Something: Thanks, I think it cuts both ways with his siblings. His older brother encourages him to grow but his younger sister encourages him to regress.

Time Traveller said...

You'd be surprised, it might be the other way round. My younger sister encouraged me to feel older. She still does :(

I had to look after her even from a very young age. It might not be the case right now for him, but they'll all help each other. :)

David said...

I never thought of it like that. Seeing a younger child in the house might just make him see himself as the older brother. Good prospective.

Time Traveller said...

:) thats what we're here for :)

Time Traveller said...

you're going to tell that to your wife aren't you? And make out as if it was your idea? Aren't you? I knew it.

So wheres the picture of your butt?

David said...

of course I'll tell the wife and take all the credit :)

Try it like this: "I guess there are no pictures of you butt because you don't have a wide angle lens on your camera" that's how it's done :)

Time Traveller said...

Does it have it's own gravitational pull?

David said...

Very good, Very funny... GRRRR! LOL

Women all over the world are talking about my butt. Must be big news :)