April 18, 2007

Two steps back

As it turns out I am not an official blog killer... yet.

I finally decided to examine the comments others had made on the first blog I killed and after clicking four times, three other blogs led me to the answer. Seems that this person was blogging as a school project and the person was being forced to write for a grade. I don't think they were even allowed to answer strangers comments. There were 8 blogs connected to this project and they all ended at the same time. So I get no credit for the kill.

The third blog started back up again a few days ago, maybe he read my Blog Killer post and wanted to deny me the satisfaction. The truth is I liked his blog so I was hoping I didn't get it. Maybe unintentionally I aimed low to try and miss. Either way, another false kill.

So I'm down to just one blog kill :(

I guess I'm back to amateur status for now. I do, however, have a few in the works so don't count me out yet. I'll be back. *that was the worst Arnold impersonation I ever heard*


Jen said...

See? You're just not that good of a killer. You need to aim higher. Maybe find a role model. *wink*

harbinger said...

I wish I had the blog killer instinct. I just have them yell and scream at me, then they call me a Troll but I set them straight and inform them that I am an Ogre not a troll.
Then they ban me. Ugh.

David said...

I agree HB trolls never comment, where an ogre wants his presents known. LOL

When they ban you does that mean you can't get to the site?

harbinger said...

You can get to the site but you can't comment, that's all. Anyways if I can't comment I don't want to see the site anymore, it would make me go insane.

harbinger said...

Speaking of that site, I know there tactics so well I would bet anything they are all over the Virginia University shootings, ranting on about the culture of guns etc.
The same day Jihadist terrorists murdered 175 innocent Iraqis, and I would guarantee they said nothing about it. That is what the site claims to be about, terrorism.