September 27, 2007

Dropping The Sarcasm

The other day I was talking with a fellow employee and I was a bit put off. She was talking about her husband, how great he was, how smart he was, how caring he was, and stuff like that. You would have thought she was talking about a saint. I know the guy, I like him, but believe me, he ain't no saint. As a matter of fact I have a few issues with some of the choices he's made in his life. Well being my sarcastic self I said " sounds like you've got yourself a little piece of gold there". She didn't seem to pick up on the sarcasm and agreed with me that he was indeed quite the treasure.

Can't she see the the true picture here? Ridiculous! Or is it?... I mean if your own partner doesn't see more value in you than anyone else isn't that a sign of a problem? Of course I had to flip that thought over and check out the other side. Do I feel my spouse is a piece of gold that I should treasure? Of course I do. There is no question about that but do I act that way? The truth, not as much as I should. I tend to concentrate on what I want and the few things I'm not getting rather than the thousand, yes thousands of things she does for me and makes possible for me. Least of which is seeing me as valuable enough to spend the rest of her life with.

So the next time I hear a person bragging about their partner I'm going to say "sounds like you've got yourself a little piece of gold there" but without the sarcasm this time and only hope, that somewhere, the wife is talking about her little treasure even when everybody else knows the truth.


Jen said...

I think your wife has a little piece of gold. Just knowing you online is enough to make me value you. I couldn't imagine in real life...

I'm glad you made this post though. For me personally I need to take a step back and realize what a great guy I've managed to land! It's so hard to see those things when real life gets in the way.
Nice to have someone remind me... :)

harbinger said...

Spouses are great except when their not. Know what I mean. It all passes and then their gold again.

Time Traveller said...

HB: oooch. Where did that come from?

RT: Nice post. :) I've heard you mention a few times that you don't appreciate her and only think of yourself. I don't think thats true - how can it be when you constantly mention how lucky you are to have her.

Anonymous said...

I just have "Gold" running through my head now.

"oh but I'm proud of you,but I'm proud of you
there's nothing left to make me feel small
luck has left me standing so tall
always believe in your soul
you've got the power to know
you're indestructable
always believe in,because you are
glad that you're bound to return
there's something I could have learned
you're indestructable,always believe in "

David said...

Jen: *blush* Thanks :)

In real life I'm a big pain in the ass. Seriously!

HB: I do know what you mean. Sometimes I have to force myself to let those moments pass.

20 Something: Relationships are a lot of work, as you know. I think when life gets busy we tend to take our partners for granted or worse take our frustrations out on them because we assume they will take it and understand. It's funny, Jen and HB immediately made a reference to this. The truth is these people CHOOSE to stay with us. I think every person in a relationship needs to step back as often as possible and remind themselves of that fact. It's too easy to focus on the negative because the negative is always in front of you, it is the bump in the road, the obstacle in your path but there are so many more positives, we must constantly remind ourselves of that. At least I do.

Darren: Very nice - who wrote that?

Anonymous said...

80s legends, Spandau Ballet

Daughter of Night said...

You've had a "Dr. Laura" moment!!

I can relate!!! :-)

David said...

Yes, it was a Dr. Laura moment. Which, by the way, the wife never did finish the book. grrrrr!

oops, maybe not the right post to bitch about that :)

Time Traveller said...

show her this one.