August 22, 2007

Old, Fat and Suspicious

An interesting conversation with the wife once again opened my eyes to a world I wasn't aware existed, at least not in my realm.

I am in the process of copying all my home movies to DVD for safe keeping. It's been a long boring process but the videos go back to 1986 and are starting to look bad. As I was copying one of the tapes the wife came into the room and we started commenting on how much certain people's appearance had changed in just 15 years.

As you may have guessed one of the people in the video is now fat. His wife has always been on the heavy side.

So the wife says " I bet she isn't upset that he's put on so much weight."

I was confused, "Why?"

Because he's big like her now.

So? Why wouldn't she want a fit husband?

Because then she would have to worry about her weight

Wouldn't that motivate her to do something about her weight?

You are so naïve! Most people don't like their partner to look a lot better than them.

Ok, I can see that...maybe, but instead of doing something about themselves they hope their partner falls out of shape?

Yes, there has been a lot of cases where a spouse has sabotaged a partner's diet to keep them fat.

And it's true! I asked around. Did anybody else know this was going on? Is this how you love someone? You wish they were fat because you're lazy. The whole thing sounds selfish to me. Thank God the wife has always supported me in my quest to stay in shape. Then again she does keep the fridge well stocked with my favorite ice cream. Curious.. and suspicious...


Jen said...

Hm. That's kinda strange. I guess it would makes sense since people are underneath everything selfish bastards, but it hasn't happened in my world yet.
I'm glad my hubby isn't getting fatter cause then I'd have to bitch about something else...

It does seem like having a partner that was skinnier then you would provoke you into changing your lifestyle... Thought provoking. I wish I had a donut!!

Daughter of Night said...

Hmmmm. I'm feeling really out of touch with people today (thanks, RT!!) :-)

I wouldn't want my partner to do something that would compromise his health just because I didn't want to fix the things that compromised mine. That doesn't make sense to me. I don't take MSU's propensity toward weight gain as a signal that I can let myself go, nor do i feel like that's a signal from him that he's HAPPY with that particular state of affairs and thus would want ME to join him in corpulence.

So I don't get it?

Jen, pass the donuts please!

David said...

Oh believe me, I don't get it either.

The people I talked to that confirmed what she said is true acted as if it was a way to keep your partner from straying or being taken by another.

It all comes down to insecurity and laziness in my opinion. If you really think your partner would leave you if they shed a few pounds you better have a closer look at your relationship.

Time Traveller said...

That's the sign of a very insecure person. Why would you want your partner to be unattractive? So you'd rather have your partner be less attractive and healthy because you can't be bothered to keep fit yourself/are scared that someone else will find them attractive. Sad.

David said...

My cousin married a fat girl when she was 17 years old and after 7 years of marriage and two kids she dropped over 100 pounds. She looked like a model. She left him in within 6 months. It destroyed him. Apparently she was only with him because she felt no one else would take her.

I wonder if he wishes she didn't lose the weight now. Seems like he should have seen signs that the marriage wasn't solid before that happened.

Jen said...

Interesting ponder RT. I wonder too if he wishes she would have stayed heavy...

I'm out of donuts, but I suspect someone will want to get me some soon!! (Before I get grouchy.)