September 29, 2007

Karma, alive and well

A few people have mentioned karma lately. For those who don't believe in it let me assure you, karma is alive and well.

I skipped soccer practice Wednesday night because I was still upset about the game on Friday. I never promised to help with practice and besides creepy want to be coach guy would be there to help.

When the wife got home from practice she was extremely pissed at my son. Apparently one of the older children, that comes to practice with their parent, was playing around with my son. As a joke she took my son's water bottle. After a few minutes of asking for it back my son picked up another bottle and threw it at her. He was only a few feet away and the bottle hit her in the stomach. The wife said the girl cried for twenty minutes.

When I asked who's child it was, she said "who's do you think?" Yep, it was creepy want to be coach guy's daughter. The wife apologized and had our son apologize but he was having none of it.

So Last night found me at the soccer field asking creepy want to be coach guy if his daughter was ok and apologizing to him. No, he wasn't gracious about it and no he didn't let me off the hook easy.

Why oh why couldn't my son had picked a better target, like the Pope or somebody? Karma sucks!


Jen said...

After hearing about this creepy, never nice to you guy, I think you need to stop apologizing to him. No more tries at small talk, and the next time your son accidentally hits his daughter with an ax don't say a word. Act like axes fall from the sky every day. His daughter musta been standing under the wrong cloud!
For whatever reason this dude likes to be a dick. So let him be a dick to someone else. You don't deserve his passive-aggressiveness!!
You know how I know this for sure?
Because you beat yourself up about this kinda stuff, like making yourself apologize when the moment demands it.. This guy is gonna go home and not give you a second thought. There are no apologizes in his future!

And if ignoring him doesn't work, drop me a line and I'll come have a word with him. I'm good at that... :)

David said...

You're only right. I did let it bother me from Wednesday until Friday. I know he probably didn't care about it anymore but I got to be me. The only thing worse than having this guy be an ass would be for him to change the person I am.

So I apologized like I should have because my son did hit his daughter and my son needed to see that when something happens you have to take responsibility for it. It sucks but I would have felt worse if I hadn't done it. :(

I am done with the guy. No more effort with him on my part. He is a dick and frankly I don't have time for it.

I like the imagery of axes falling from the sky, Niccce! If he gives me more crap I'll tell him I'm going to give my friend Jen a call because she's got my back. Thanks! :D

Jen said...

"The only thing worse than having this guy be an ass would be for him to change the person I am."

I'm glad you said this.
I'm often rash and don't think about the outcome of my actions.
I've been very fortunate in life to find people like you, to temper my raging anger.
You prove daily that you're a good person. And I'm a better person for knowing you...

David said...

You sure have been making me blush a lot lately :D

The truth is, I could use a little more rage when dealing certain people.

I'm picking up some good tips from you too. :) I think there must be a middle road between too nice and too mean.

Time Traveller said...

the important thing is the example you set for your son. in my humble opinion ;)

David said...

Yes, children see what we do. Tell them what's right until you're blue in the face but if you don't do it they see the hypocrisy.

I think the biggest problem with my son right now is that he's bored. The lack of direction at practice has left him too much time on his hands. The same thing is going on at school.

Freak said...

Doesn't it just? I know full well that if I do something good it will come back at me , hence the bad things to. Karma is a funny thing, but only logical I guess.

Daughter of Night said...

Hey, like Jen said... no more apologies to this guy.

Also like Jen said... I'm glad you pointed out that it would have been worse to allow this creepy guy's attitude to change who you are. I'm glad you did what you did.


Creepy guy showed you WHO HE IS. Believe him. And don't give him a second thought from now on. He's not worthy. You just do what *you* do and let him do what *he* does and leave it at that.

David said...

I will take your advise because I know you're right but I always hold out hope that doing the right thing will remind people that we live in a frickin' society. I know I'm naive :(

Jen said...

I don't think you can consider that naivety.
Holding out hope that someone will strive to be more is a whole idea. It's fantastic, and unaltered. All of us CAN be more. Often it takes people like you to hold out hope about this asshole, to make me better myself. Or the guy behind you in line at the supermarket, or the hairdresser down the road. You never know how you're going to alter someone's life.
At least you're trying to be a positive influence.
Commendable. Not naive.