Just to make myself happy

College football has been flipped upside down!
Well it doesn't happen often but it did happen this weekend. Every team I wanted to win this weekend won and almost every team I hate lost. So as a tribute to the perfect sports weekend I shall list the numerous victories so that I may return to this page and bask in the glory of victory.
All my state's teams won
Georgia Southern
Georgia Tech
University of Georgia
Atlanta Falcons
plus one
Indianapolis Colts
Most of the teams I hate lost
West Virgina
Pen State
Notre Dame
University of Florida
Yes, 7 of the top 13 college teams lost this weekend. The only thing that would have made it better would have been if USC had lost to unranked Washington, which they damn near did.
But by far the best gift of the weekend was the New York Mets blowing a huge division lead to miss the play-offs by one game.
I'm honestly giddy.

Waaaaiiiiitttt a cotton pickin minute? That's not football - that's some weird American version of Rugby??
yeah its sissy rugby with padding and stuff.
You really hedge your bets supporting 7 teams. Your bound to win one every week. If you were a real fan you would pick one and stick to it.
As an aside, how long is a cotton picking minute as apposed to any other minute.
I don't know ask yosammity sam.
The padding is a necessity. Even with it they break bones and such. A month ago a pro was temporarily paralyzed when he hit a guy so hard he fractured his spine. Maybe not as tough as "don't touch me or I'll pretend to fall down and be hurt(English) football" but a rough game none the less. lol
The first team is my old high school team
The next three are all major college teams from my state. There are about 119 college teams to cheer for.
The Falcons and the Colts are both pro teams. Since the Falcons (my state team)have sucked for so long, I also like the Colts.
Since cotton is tough to pick, a cotton picking minute would be a tough painful minute or you can just insert the word damn and you have about the same thing. :)
Who said anything about English football? We're talking about tough tackling rugby players, (even if Ireland did abysmally in the world cup)
Anyway, sounds like your a glory hogger. Support the team thats doing well, and forget about the losers. I know your kind.
Cheers for the cotton pickin explanation. Thats the 3rd something new I have learned today. I think I'll take a break for the next 2 days.
Ha! You're right, we weren't talking about it but it was nice to see you say "English football" :)
Actually most of the teams I hate are the so called winners. Most play puff schedules then claim to be the number one team in the country. Notre Dame is a great example of this. The Fighting Irish are o-5 this year. As I said, I am giddy :)
"don't touch me or I'll pretend to fall down and be hurt(English) football
LOL! :')
Oh i really didn't know that about cotton picking minutes. I jst thought it sounded funny. Apparently I'm the only one.
you hate the gators?
I feel... so... betrayed.
Yes, I hate the Gators
And yes, more than not because they beat Georgia like a drum all the time.
But let me explain:)
First I've been hating them long before you went there.
and I hate them from the Steve Spurrier days when he piled on the points and Gator FANS cheered him on.
and because we are both in the SEC and it's natural for everyone in the SEC to hate UF (because they're good)
But Outside of the SEC I do cheer for them
and I was the only person I know around here that thought they would beat Ohio. I was happy they won.
So to sum this up I hate them while playing in the SEC but cheer for them when playing outside the confrence unless they are being coached by Steve Spurrier then I hate them ALL THE TIME. :)
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