November 30, 2007

Yet, another

I'm posting this before I watch it, so forgive me if things go bad.

Lou seems to be enjoying this as much as I am so I put her in it as well. I hope the picture I pinched off her blog is actually her. :|

November 29, 2007


Star in Your Own JibJab! It's Free!

Sorry, I couldn't stop myself

My kind of funny!

Fate my butt!

Yesterday I saw a fellow worker eating a chocolate covered cookie. It looked good but I didn't give it much thought. Ok, a little more thought than I would like to admit but I NEVER went looking for the source of that cookie.

This morning, as I was getting my morning coffee, I noticed a nice tin of cookies sitting on a table. It wasn't there yesterday. So without even trying I found the source of the chocolate covered delights. Well I figured it was fate and who am I to try and trip up fate? I walked right over and took not one but two of the cookies, one dark chocolate, one white.

Just as I was taking my first bite a fellow worker walked in. She gave me a funny glance.

Fellow worker: Are you seriously going to eating that?

Me: *bite* sure am *smile*

FW: I tried to get them to throw them out yesterday

Me: *chewing slowly* what's that?

FW: Those cookies are two years old.

Me: *mouth freezes* Seriously? ... but just opened, right?

FW: No, they've been open for two years *smile*

Me: *swallow* shit

I'm not feeling great right now. Maybe it's some lingering side effects from the virus I'm getting over, maybe it is the cookie or maybe it's just fate's way of laughing at me... again. grrrrr.

November 27, 2007

More Ranting

A virus is moving through our house. After weeks of waiting on the wife hand and foot due to an operation she had I finally had a chance to have the tables turned.

The kids, one by one, have been coming down with a stomach virus. While this is not an unusual event with kids, the amount of vomit, throw-up, regurgitation or up-chuck (for lack of a more tactful way of putting it) has been excessive. Lets just say the carpets needed a good cleaning anyway.

Sunday was our oldest son's turn to have it. He climbed into bed with us after he flooded his, very gross. He slept all over me and I didn't get much, if any, sleep. I got up with a headache and a fever and a queasy stomach and for the first time this year (as far as I can remember) I called in to work sick.

The wife was great and did a good job of bringing me medicine and what little I needed, at first. As the day went on I realized that the thought of me being actually sick wasn't sinking in with everybody. My office called 15 times. The wife brought me the phone and woke me up the first five times it rang then she just left it with me because she was to busy to answer it. I had to call on two customers and make a bid on some equipment from my bed.

Later in the day the wife asked me to take out the trash, help her clean the kids rooms from all the sickness and even watch two of the kids while she picked the other one up from school because, get this, it would be easier on her.

I don't get these people. When they're sick I leave them alone so they can get some rest. Today I felt slightly better but I was dragging ass because I didn't get any rest yesterday. I did go to work though because, well, what would be the point of staying home? Seriously WTF people?!!!

November 25, 2007

Every year the wife adds something to our Christmas decorations. Usually I don't give it to much thought, except for having to put it together or hang it up. This year she added the nice little welcome sign you see below.

I know it looks cute and harmless but it's not. In fact I HATE IT!!! ... Why you may ask? Go on and push the play button, go ahead it can't hurt you.

Doesn't seem to bad does it? Let me fill you in. It's hanging on the garage door. The door we use to enter the house and more importantly the door that is in my garage. So what, your thinking? Well here's your big "so what". THE DUMB THING IS MOTION ACTIVATED! Yep, enter the house you hear it. (push play) you walk around the garage you hear it (push play again) You try your best sneaky ninja move to not set it off, you hear it. (play it again Sam) Even camouflage is no match for this thing. (push play, play, play... )

The wife thinks its the greatest thing ever made because it irritates me to no end. It's quickly driving me insane. I can't even go out in the garage and pretend to be doing something because the thing goes off every step I take. Something tells me this wreath isn't going to make it to Christmas.

How many more days? *sigh* Push play... :(

Lets get started

This is how I spent most of my four day weekend. Don't you just love the Christmas season? Yeah, me too... but not this much.



November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving


Today is a day to eat too much, visit with family and friends and generally take it easy.
(except for all those hard working, wonderful people doing the cooking. keep the food comin' we love it!)

Most of all, today is a day to stop, look around and count our blessings because they are many. Today is a day to realize that the small irritations of life are not devastating or even important in bigger scheme of things. Today is a day to look at the glass half full and be happy that we have room for more to be added. Today is as good a day as any to commit to improving the things we don't like about our world and promoting the things we do. Today is a great day to eat some scrumptious turkey. Today is the perfect day to just say thanks.


November 19, 2007

He got me again

Well he did it again. Leonard Pitts, the columnist who is on the opposite side of almost every issue as I am, has written another brilliant column that has me thinking yet again. And about Hillary Clinton no less. No fair!

John McCain who is running for president was asked, ''how do we beat the bitch?" the lady that was asking the question was referring to Hillary. I thought the question was in poor taste but not much else. Well Mr. Pitts gave me a whole new perspective on the situation, damn it.

November 18, 2007

If not jail... hell would be even better

This is the kind of stuff that I can't understand and it makes me want to hurt someone. Last year a 13 year old girl committed suicide because of a prank that was played on her Myspace page. Apparently she was a troubled girl that had been fighting depression but was working through it.

She started receiving messages from a guy named "Josh" on her Myspace page. Over a six week period they became friends. Then "Josh" turned on Megan and started leaving mean messages. According to Megan's dad the last message "Josh" sent read as follows.

"Everybody in O'Fallon knows how you are. You are a bad person and everybody hates you. Have a shitty rest of your life. The world would be a better place without you." ...

It was the last message Megan would ever read. She hung herself in her room a few minutes later. It's a tragic story but that's not the part that pisses me off. After looking into the situation the police discovered that "Josh" never existed and that he was in fact created by a family in Megan's neighborhood. Worse the parents of a friend Megan had a falling out with were involved in the prank.

As if all that wasn't bad enough, these people have not broken any laws and can't be charged with anything. Stories like these give "Justice is blind" a whole new meaning and they make me sick.

November 17, 2007

Famous 1

Happy Birthday Lindsay!!!

Happy Birthday


I hope you have a special day that last the whole year long!

Best wishes on this your special day.

November 14, 2007

When I started this blog

It's been one year since I started this blog...

When I started this blog, to be honest, I thought if I made it a year I would be thrilled and I am. It's a harder task than I first realized. I have a lot of admiration for those who have accomplished this feat. I would suspect the average life of a blog is very short. It seems most people start out with great enthusiasm only to realize keeping a regular blog can be a bit of a chore when life gets busy or dull.

When I started this blog it was with the intention to vent my frustrations. My way of saying FUCK YOU to the world without having to care what someone thought but I quickly learned that's not the type person I am. Even in the anonymous world of Blogger I couldn't shrug off my feelings, concerns and wonderment for life and my fellow man.

When I started this blog I promised myself I would stick to certain rules. It wasn't easy but I think I've managed to keep my promise. I promised I would be honest, that I would write what I wanted, not what I think others wanted to hear. I wanted my blog to be for me, about me and reflect the person I am. I'm fairly satisfied with the outcome.

When I started this blog I had low expectations. I had read some fantastic blogs that weren't being read by anyone or very few. I knew I could never write anything that would equal these peoples efforts. To this day I can't understand why my blog gets any attention while these amazing blogs go almost unnoticed.

When I started this blog I never dreamed anyone would actually read it. Having people read and comment on my blog added an amazing aspect to blogging that I could never have imagined. Being a person who has always had a hard time expressing myself in literary form or any form as far as that goes, I have to admit the thought of people actually reading something I wrote was and is a bit scary. I've been surprised and overwhelmed at times by peoples interest, kindness and concerns regarding aspects of my thoughts and life.

When I started this blog, because I never thought I would get even a single comment, I never considered how hard it would be to communicate with people in this medium. I have to admit I have struggled at times to read people and understand their attitude towards me and my thoughts. It can be a bit of a head trip at times. Over the past year I have even questioned my ability and worthiness to blog as well as my qualifications as a commenter. Insecurity on my part? Maybe, but I've come to understand that is part of who I am as well.

When I started this blog I never dreamed it would spill over into my everyday life. That I would have conversations with the wife and friends about what bloggers thought, said and did. I never thought that I would consider my fellow bloggers opinions when I did something or that I would look forward to telling them about something that had happened. I absolutely could have never conceived that people I didn't know and had never met would help me work through problems that people in my life couldn't or wouldn't do.

When I started this blog a year ago I was in a much different place in my life. I have moved on from that place and life is better because I did. I can't help but feel that this blog and all those who participated on it helped me do that. So thanks to everybody for the wonderful experience, that I never expected, when I started this blog.

November 11, 2007

A hard hitting Lesson

I remember growing up hearing, more than once, this is going to hurt me more than it does you. It didn't take long after becoming a parent to realize what it meant. The first time my son got a shot I experienced the feeling.

Well last weekend I got to experience this in a whole new way. A customer of mine asked me to play paintball with him, his sons and some friends. Being the anti-social person I am, I turned him down until I realized he wasn't going to stop asking.

I thought my seven year old was a little young but my customer said bring him. He was very excited about playing. He loves anything army so this was right up his alley. It was an all day event and we had a blast but my son learned a lesson the hard way.

One of the games we played was called speed ball. Each team gets on either side of a field. The object is to move from obstacle to obstacle until you can get the flag and get back to the beginning without getting shot. At the beginning of the game I told my son to stay with me and we would provide the cover fire for whoever went for the flag.

So the game begins and we're popping off paint balls when I notice my son in the middle of the field grabbing the flag. I yell for our team to cover him and he makes it back without getting hit. Of course everyone is patting him on the back and congratulating him. I knew this was going to be a problem.

When we played later I told him not to do it again. I told him he got lucky but he wouldn't the next time. I told him to stay by my side. I knew he wouldn't. I knew the praise he received for getting that flag was a high he couldn't resist. I almost made him sit out the game but realized he needed to figure it out for himself.

So the game starts and sure enough my son goes for the flag. Surprisingly he makes it to it and picks it up but that was all. As he turned around a guy locked in on him and shot. The guns we were using shoot 30 balls a second with enough force to cover a football field. By the time my son thew his hands up to signal he had been hit five balls had hit him in the back and legs. Yes he cried. Yes he immediately had five bruises and YES I felt like shit for letting it happen.

The next game he stayed right by my side. He even said he was hit when I got hit, even though he wasn't. So he learned his lesson and it didn't take long for the same bruises that made him cry to become badges of courage. The bruises soon faded but I know he won't forget what he learned and I won't forget how much it hurt because it did. Just like they say, me more than him.

November 07, 2007

Having Second Thoughts...

After the input on my last post I decided to give the situation with my best friend some more contemplation. I'm anxious to get to the bottom of this problem because I have always thought of myself as a person who can see both sides of any situation.

Many had suggested that my upbringing had led to a conditioning that didn't allow me to accept my friends sexuality even though I was willing to tolerate it. I would have probably disagreed with this assessment but examples were given and a strong case was made. In the end I have no choice but to admit they are right. I can only vow to work harder for true acceptance of people's choices that are different than mine.

But there still was the other side of the problem. Was everything just me not being able to accept my friend being gay or did some of the problem have to do with the person and not his sexuality? Again, the comments from the last post were helpful and eye opening. I now see that not be accepting of ALL his actions is not the same as condemning his sexual choice. I can't say I agree with any of my friends 100% on all things, so why would I expect to with him?

Another good point that was brought up was that my friend is in a different place compared to me regarding relationships, any and all relationship are new to him. When I look at it in that light I can see a lot of what he is doing bothers me because he's being immature about it, not because he's gay. He's acting the way I would have acted in my teens. It's uncomfortable to watch and listen to a 46 year old man go through the awkward part of learning about relationships. I'll have to make a point to keep that in mind when I'm with him.

I think all the comments were great and could help me deal with this situation better but there is still one aspect of this situation I haven't wanted to address. What if it's him? What if to this point he hadn't had to reveal a part of his character that is flawed beyond my ability to accept it? Or what if some darker fears I have, but have refused to acknowledge, are the root of my problem with him?

After much consideration I think it's a combination of the two. I remember a comment he made the weekend the wife went to Disney World and we had spent some time together. We were talking about my cousin's son. My best friend asked how old he was now? I said "about 21" and he said "oh, that's my boyfriend's age." There was a little smirk on his face. Before I could stop myself I yelled, "that's sick!" He quickly shot back "me and my boyfriend aren't sick!" I said "I'm not talking about being gay, I'm talking about comparing my cousin's son, who I watched grow up, with your boyfriend." "That's what's sick!" there was a long moment of silence after that. At that moment I realized how young the guy he is dating really is. It bothers me.

My dark secret is that I am uncomfortable with him around my two boys. I honestly don't think it's because he's gay. I don't think gay people are pedophiles anymore than I do heterosexuals but he does have a preference for young lovers. Now that I think about it he has only dated very young guys that look even younger than their age. I have to say that I have my guard up when he is around my boys. That may be a hang up I have but it is based on some evidence. Since I am responsible for the well being of my children I can not take a chance. That would be irresponsible in my opinion.

So I have come to the conclusions that I'm not the open person I thought I was but can work on that. My best friend needs more leeway when it comes to his relationships because it's all still new to him. And I have to give some serious consideration to whether or not I can be close friends with someone I don't trust around my children. I guess I have some more thinking to do.

November 02, 2007

It Bothers Me

I've come to the conclusion that my friend is a homosexual
..and it bothers me that it bothers me.

- Eugene's Journal

This was a line from the movie Biloxi Blues that I happen to catch playing on TV a few weeks ago. I always thought it was a good movie and it leaves little doubt that Matthew Broderick has the ability to deliver lines in a way few others actors have the talent to do. The movie has a lot of funny and moving lines but the above mentioned line stayed with me and I can't seem to let it go. It's no secret to me why it keeps bumping around in my head, the problem, how do I rectify it?

A few years ago my best friend of 30 years announced he was gay. It was no surprise to anyone who knew him, as a matter of fact, I was the one that opened the door for him to come out through.

He has always fought the thought of being gay. It ruined and tormented him for most of his life. I honestly believe his alcohol and prescription drug dependency is a direct result of his struggles. After he spent a month in the hospital for complications due to alcoholism, where he almost died, I had lunch with him.

At lunch I told him that he needed to face his demons and start living HIS life no matter what others thought. I told him I was scared that when his parents died he would be alone since he had never been in a relationship. I told him he needed to find someone, no matter who it was because at the end of the day ME and the rest of his family and friends weren't going to keep him warm at night.

With in the next year he announced he was gay and started dating. He seemed happy and I was happy for him but something had changed. Now when we go to lunch he talks about his boyfriend and their relationship. I find myself wondering who is listening and what they must think. When business associates see us out to lunch do they think I'm up to something? Do they think I'm with him?I know I shouldn't care and I am honestly happy to see him with someone but I don't need the details. I know that's wrong because I listen to my other friends talk about their relationships and never feel that way but I can't shake that uneasy feeling.

To make things worse my best friend, who is in his mid-forties, is seriously dating a 20 year old man who is not out to his family. Legal yes, but barely. I don't think he's been honest about his age with this guy either. Further more when things are going bad in the relationship he falls off the wagon.

All the things I thought would be FIXED by him being honest about his sexuality hasn't been and worse I am seeing a side of him I haven't had a chance to see in the 30 years I've known him and I can't say I like it. Quite frankly I'm bothered by the whole situation and it bothers me that it bothers me.

Halloween pics as promised