November 27, 2007

More Ranting

A virus is moving through our house. After weeks of waiting on the wife hand and foot due to an operation she had I finally had a chance to have the tables turned.

The kids, one by one, have been coming down with a stomach virus. While this is not an unusual event with kids, the amount of vomit, throw-up, regurgitation or up-chuck (for lack of a more tactful way of putting it) has been excessive. Lets just say the carpets needed a good cleaning anyway.

Sunday was our oldest son's turn to have it. He climbed into bed with us after he flooded his, very gross. He slept all over me and I didn't get much, if any, sleep. I got up with a headache and a fever and a queasy stomach and for the first time this year (as far as I can remember) I called in to work sick.

The wife was great and did a good job of bringing me medicine and what little I needed, at first. As the day went on I realized that the thought of me being actually sick wasn't sinking in with everybody. My office called 15 times. The wife brought me the phone and woke me up the first five times it rang then she just left it with me because she was to busy to answer it. I had to call on two customers and make a bid on some equipment from my bed.

Later in the day the wife asked me to take out the trash, help her clean the kids rooms from all the sickness and even watch two of the kids while she picked the other one up from school because, get this, it would be easier on her.

I don't get these people. When they're sick I leave them alone so they can get some rest. Today I felt slightly better but I was dragging ass because I didn't get any rest yesterday. I did go to work though because, well, what would be the point of staying home? Seriously WTF people?!!!


Jen said...


So, I read your blog and was a little irritated that you weren't getting the attention you should when you're sick! Then I realized...

James waits on me hand and foot all the time, but he's been down and out with his back recently so the situation has been reversed.
It's horrible!
Besides it being bad for him, which I know it is, I'm left in a state of constant suspension because the man I'm use to is gone.

You've given me a good reality check, RT. Thanks!

I hope your house/work slows down enough to let you get some rest.

Jen said...

Congrats on your 200th post too BTW!
I'm glad you found me.

David said...

I'm being a bit of a baby about it. It's really my responsibility to turn off the phone and to say no to requests when asked if I'm not up to it. Still one would hope for a little understanding and a pinch of sympathy.

Sometimes our action speak louder than our words. I'm glad you're getting to experience the intention in his actions. Although I wish it didn't come at the expense of his back. I hope he recovers soon.

Noticed the 200th post thing huh? Thanks! I'm happy I found you too or was I directed to you by fate :o I'm happy either way :)

Time Traveller said...

oh :( well you can get your sympathy from us David, thats what we're here for :)

I've made a new pact with myself. if someone asks me how I am - I'm going to ask honestly. Not say 'fine' if I'm not.

yeah you should have switched the phone off. The wife probably thought if you can work then you can help with the kids. :)

Next time just tell her - you feel like shit and you need some rest.

Anonymous said...

Bah, men aren't allowed to get sick. It is an affront to our masculinity. The ones we love tend to ignore the sickness because we are supposed to be the protector (even if a lot of this is subconscious). We are expected to battle through it and not complain.

Even if we do complain, we are then admonished. A challenge to our masculinity is placed before us. "You are such a baby when your sick" etc.

Lou said...

yeah, but to be fair, men do 'die' sometimes when they have an itsy bitsy cold or something, that's the major reason yee get slagged off.

David on the otherhand deserved a day off, it's mean that you didn't get one and you have my sympathy. To be fair though, you need to practice forming and vocalising the comination of letters 'N' followed by 'O'. I know it's hard though, I generally avoid the guilt of saying no by not saying it as often as possible too. Ms 20 and Dar and a whole lot of other people can relate too I'll bet.

Time Traveller said...

y huh. *Nods* :) just say no!

yeah, but to be fair, men do 'die' sometimes when they have an itsy bitsy cold or something, that's the major reason yee get slagged off.

LOL! you're right. Men are babies. :)

Anonymous said...

The last 2 comments just prove my point. Women are allowed to be sick and doted on, but men are babies when they are.

Time Traveller said...

urr excuse me but when do us women get doted on when we're sick? Its just not the case :)

- i was saying it for effect anyway. Man are more sexy when they solider on when they're ill. :) (I'm not feeling very well today actually :( )

David said...

You guys are cracking me up and believe me I could use a laugh or two. I can't disagree with anything that has been said, Thanks!

I absolutely have to agree with Darren. Men work at being seen as strong and when we fail to be invincible it is seen as whiny but maybe that's our fault for trying to be too macho.

Lou is right about saying NO. It's a big problem for me but it's not like I see it coming. Everything I'm asked to do will just take a second, is easier for me to do myself than explain to somebody how to do it and I always think it's the last thing I'll have to do to get some rest.

another problem is that everyone thinks OTHER people are keeping me from getting rest not them.

The wife: why does your work keep calling you? Can't they see if you only took one sick day this year you must be sick?

Me: They just want what they want

The wife: Well It pisses me off... Oh, when you feel better could you get the trash out for me it's to heavy to lift and garbage man coming in a few hours.

Me: Sure, I was getting up anyway to send an email for work.

The wife: Thanks, can I get you anything?

Me: No, I'm good (sheesh)

When do women get dotted on when sick? Oh no, you didn't go there. I just spent three weeks being Mr. Mom and full time employee and nurse/maid. The wife appreciated it too but as we've established women just don't like to see men helpless.

Time Traveller said...

When do women get dotted on

Dotted - hehehe. I can't remember the last time someone dotted me. :|

David said...

Ha ha ha.. ha... ha. Whatevverrrr. I never said I won a spelling bee.

I dotted a girl once. I think she liked it but wouldn't admit to it. Women... sheesh! There is no pleasing them :D

Daughter of Night said...

I can't relate to either side of this argument. I don't know if that makes me a domestic goddess or a freak of nature.

Sorry you didn't get any rest, RT. :-(