November 19, 2007

He got me again

Well he did it again. Leonard Pitts, the columnist who is on the opposite side of almost every issue as I am, has written another brilliant column that has me thinking yet again. And about Hillary Clinton no less. No fair!

John McCain who is running for president was asked, ''how do we beat the bitch?" the lady that was asking the question was referring to Hillary. I thought the question was in poor taste but not much else. Well Mr. Pitts gave me a whole new perspective on the situation, damn it.


harbinger said...

Here we go, how does calling Hillary a bitch equate with using racial slurs against someone, hebe, spic, coon. The argument to be made should be what if someone had said "how do we beat that bastard McCain", Would there be a major discussion about it, I doubt it. The person bringing race into this is Leonard Pitts, Why?

David said...

Ha! That was my first reaction too HB. But I think the most common put down for a white woman would be to call her a bitch, would it not? In this case the term was used to stereotype her, in a negative way, as a certain type of woman. Like hebe is religious specific I do think bitch could fall into the same class because it is gender specific. I think what he wrote about women having to walk a fine line between being strong enough to be a leader but feminine enough not be a bitch was a good point.

The one thing Pitts failed to point out is that bitch has become so common and accepted among the masses that it has lost it's sting. Some woman laughingly and proudly refer to themselves as a bitch. Not so with the rest in his list. Still he makes a good point that it shouldn't be acceptable, especially in a presidential campaign.

Why did Pitts bring race into it? Because that's what he does and that's one of the things he does that pisses me off. He's a very good writer that has the ability to make excellent points. He doesn't need to bring race into everything he writes about.

Jen said...

Welcome home HB.