January 18, 2008

Adrift on the ocean

On our recent cruise I spent a lot of time with my sister. My sister who has now been divorced for about six months.

Some of you may remember that she divorced her husband because he was such a wonderful man and he deserved a woman that would treat him the way a wife should treat a husband. Realizing that she never would, my sister divorced him. Despite the fact he was willing to stay and work it out.

During the days we spent together she, more than once, assured me that she was the happiest she had ever been in her life. She loved her job, her children and her new found freedom. This was what she was saying anyway.

It's pretty obvious to me that she is lost and just drifting in the wind like a boat in the ocean with no oars, no direction, no plan. As most people know, the more information you are given the better chance you have of putting together a clearer picture of a situation. Lets just say by the end of the cruise the picture was crystal clear.

My sister is a very strong willed, private person. She does not give personal information out freely. You have to listen and catch the little pieces. Three days was enough for me to know I wasn't buying what she was selling.

The evidence:

  • She was reading not one but three self help books. Now there is nothing wrong with that but they were all books about finding direction in life. Not exactly a topic you would think someone, who just got everything she ever wanted, would be reading.

  • She casually mentioned, out of the blue, that she found it odd after ten years of marriage her ex husband was willing to change his behavior that was causing the marriage to end. He begged but she told him it was too late. WTF? I thought to myself when I heard this. I thought he was suppose to be this great guy and she was the problem? Seems we are starting to revise that part of history now.

  • Still being a friend of her ex husband, the father of my nieces, I asked if he had started dating anyone? She snapped back "don't know, don't care, not my problem." Sheesh, if she doesn't care why is she getting so damn mad about it. That was the first time in three days I had even mentioned him.

So at the end of the cruise, after we passed through customs and were ready to go our separate ways home, I hugged her and told her if she needed anything to give me a call. She won't of course because in her mind that would be admitting weakness. I was happy with the time we got to spend together. The bond we share as brother and sister was a little stronger than it was before. As she walked away, carrying her heavy baggage, I noticed a lack of stability in her step. I wanted to run over and take some of the baggage in my hand to ease her burden but I knew she wouldn't let me.

Hopefully, one day soon, she'll put some of that baggage down and be able to take hold of her oars again.


Daughter of Night said...

A very insightful and loving post, RT.

My hopes and prayers are with her as well.

Jen said...

Sometimes holding all the luggage, with an iron-tight grip, is the only way you have of remaining balanced upright.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for her weight to lighten, her road to clear, and her path to be true.
It's rough out there when you're drifting...

Good post, RT.

Jen said...

I'm ready for Of The Week.

David said...

It's hard to watch the people you love struggle. :(

Time Traveller said...

I read self help books when I went to Barbados. I would recommend them - even if you're not struggling in a relationship. I learnt a lot about a lot of people in my life - and about me.

She probably snapped at you when you mentioned her exhusband dating again because she's trying to distance herself emotionally from him.

I know I'm going to get shouted at for this - but I think your sis is brave to have left everything she knows to try and make herself happy.

Hopefully one day her kids will realise that leaving was the best thing to do. Seeing their parents in an unhappy relationship can't be good for them either.

I kno when there are kids involved it complicates things and leaving probably sounds selfish. But i doubt she took the desicion lightly. She must have been unhappy for a long time. Her husband must have known this too - and told her he'd change - but we all know this would not happen. She left knowing she would be the seen as the bad guy - but maybe she'd just had enough of being unhappy.

Hopefully one day she will find someone who inspires her.

David said...

I agree that self help books can even shed light on people who's problems are small but three at once?!

You are right. She was very unhappy and had been since the day they married. Not because of him but because she NEVER loved him. Like I've said, I can accept the divorce. I realize it wasn't a real marriage and she was wasting his and her time. I agree with her on that.

Brave? Eh...when she married they had nothing. She divorced him when her career was set and she knew she could make it financially on her own. Not much risk in her mind.

My point is that she thought she was immune to the emotional aspect of divorce. She thought life would be 100% better without him in her life. I don't think that's realistic. He was a good guy that treated her like gold. I think she is realizing he did have an impact on her world, even if it wasn't enough to sustain a marriage. I also think she's finding out the true definition of "alone". I'm sure that takes some adjustment.

I guess I'm just struggling with the "actions speak louder than words" aspect of her situation. Why go it alone when you have family and friends willing to help and support you?

Time Traveller said...

I don't know - I'm just looking at it from my point of view. It's the only realistic view I have.

You're looking at it from her husbands point of view more I think.

David said...

I hope I'm not.

What I see is that my sister is very alone. She has painted herself into a corner where she can't admit that life is anything but perfect.

She claimed a divorce would fix ALL her problems in life but I think she is her problem. Which she did admit when she ended the marriage. The problem is she still has to live with herself and she has done nothing to fix her problems.

I could care less about her ex. He is gone, over with but my sister is unhappy an getting bitter about life, despite her attempts to convince people otherwise.

I just want her to be happy. Right now she's not. :(

Time Traveller said...

Its natural and normal for her to be bitter,angry,unhappy right now.

It would be odd if she wasn't feeling something.

Just give her time.