January 21, 2008

The last laugh

Before the cruise the wife talked me into getting a spray on tan. I didn't think much of the idea but she assured me that it was safe and unnoticeable. I agreed because... actually, I'm not sure why I agreed.

We went the day before the cruise to get the maximum effect. I sat in the car with the kids while she went first. The five minute session took her over twenty. By the time she returned the kids where tired of the car so I set off to get my tan as fast as I could.

I watched a two minute video that instructed me on all the procedures. As I watched I wondered if I could remember them all. A young lady led me to a booth. I did everything the video said and stepped inside. The wife had warned me that the first blast of spray was cold and would take my breath away.

I stood there naked and steadied myself then pressed the green button. The spray did startle me but even worse it blinded me. Then my eyes started stinging. Just before the second blast I realized I had forgotten to move the goggles from my forehead to my eyes. I turned around and positioned myself for another blast. By this time I was so worried about my eyes I forgot to breath through my nose filter and inhaled large amounts of tan spray into my lungs.

I jumped out of the booth blind and wheezing. I rubbed my eyes long enough to see a little. I looked in the mirror to see if my eyes had been painted brown. They were still blue thank God but there was a white stripe on my forehead where the goggles had been resting. I tried to push the already dried dye over the spot but all I manged to do was make it red.

Of course the wife got a big laugh out of all this when I told her what happened but I had the last laugh. My fake tan turned out perfect, almost. Her tan turned her orange.


Jen said...


I always wonder about people that "tan". Spray on or sitting in a bed. It's a funny concept to go through a man-made process to do something that nature will do with a little bit of time.
Not that I'm opposed to it. It just reminds me how our world really is a place of instant gratification.

Thanks for the last, RT!
I feel like I needed it...

Time Traveller said...

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! That's hilarious! I can't beleive you agreed to it!


Just one question: 'I didn't think much of the idea but she assured me that it was safe and unnoticeable'

Why do it if it's unnoticeable?

Time Traveller said...

oh - we want before and after pictures!

p.s. www.youtube.com/watch?v=7B7bVD_DkM4

Anonymous said...

I think you should ask your wife for your Y chromosome back. Your going to need it Sunday week.

Seriously.... fake tan?

David said...

Jen: :) I'm not the type to sit still for long. So sitting on a beach getting a tan ain't going to happen with me. So yeah, instant gratification says it pretty well.

TT: I guess I just thought "live a little, what the hell? Try something new."

Ha! unnoticeable meaning people will not know it's fake. :p I don't have a before pictures but there is an after


Darren: I know, I know, you're only right. *hangs head low*

David said...

p.s. That songs not about me, not about me, not at all...because I'mmmm not vain lol

Time Traveller said...

I'm still laughing! :D

There's enough sun there to get a real tan?! WTF?

Blimey - look at the muscles on your shoulders :)

Is that 'the wife' in the picture?

Anonymous said...

Someones doing their very own Daniel Craig (007) impression.

Your encounter reminds me of Ross in friends.

David said...

TT: True about the sun but I won't waste my time getting it.

Not the wife, that's my 17 year old niece.

Darren: :) Like when he whitened his teeth? Strangely, I do feel like Ross at times. He was the normal one right? ;)

Anonymous said...

Hello niece.........

I mean more like when Ross had the tanning mishap. getting sprayed 4 times on the same side.

As for normal....

Daughter of Night said...

OMG, I laughed so hard I cried... especially about forgetting the goggles on your forehead....

Hee hee hee hee hee...

I hope you'll remember this experience next time you consider allowing your Y chromosome out of your sight for even a second...


Jen said...

I thought it might still be good for a laugh again today, and oh boy was it!!

I dig thinking about you getting blasted by Instant Tan. LOL.
I'm totally living vicariously through you right now.

Time Traveller said...

I'm still laughing at this :D

' I tried to push the already dried dye over the spot but all I manged to do was make it red'

Genious :')

David said...

Hardy har har. laugh it up guys. Laugh.It.Up. :p

The worse part about this post is was suppose to be about TWO stupid things I did recently but I only had time to post the one.

The other was much more manly but way more stupid ;)

Jen said...

I'm ready for it.
Let's hear the second stupid thing!!!

I'm settling in with some popcorn.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to the Y chromosome equivalent story now. If it is manly enough, your back in for the superbowl.

Time Traveller said...

:D I'm laughing all over again. Why is this so funny??