January 29, 2008

Seven things I approve of

Time Traveller tagged me on her blog. I'm suppose to write down seven things I approve of. I think it's the first time I've been tagged. Thanks for that Time Traveller.

Here they are...

1. Family

For me family is the foundation, base and goal in my life. I think anyone who knows me knows I'm a family man.

2. Compassion

I'm for as much compassion as we can give. I believe only through compassion can we begin to understand each other and accept our differences. Try to understand me before you judge me.

3. Laughter

I think laughing is the absolute best human response. Give me a few laughs and all my problems seem miles away.

4. Sugar

If it has sugar in it I pretty much approve of it.

5. Common Sense & Logic

I approve of thinking for yourself. Just because you read it, hear it or see it doesn't make it so. Apply some common sense and logic before you swallow it. Be open to new ideas but always, always, think things through.

6. Women

I approve of the female form. There is nothing more beautiful, sensual, sexual and pleasing to my eyes than a woman's body. Short, tall, skinny, curvy I am rarely disappointed and almost always fascinated and captivated.

7. Pushing Yourself

There is nothing like the focus I get before and during a big lift or other test of my abilities. When it goes right I get to a place deep inside myself where my senses cease to function separately and all my energy is focused to one point. I imagine it's a lot like deep meditation. It's a wonderful feeling.

I'm suppose to tag more people. If you read it and want to be tagged, you are.


Time Traveller said...

Women :) I like the female form too. You know god was having a good day when he made us.

Your weightlifting is interesting. I never thought too much about it, but you describe it as meditation. I guess I thought you just pick up a weight and put it down. That's what I do with my dumbells anyway.

You should tell us mroe about the 'lifting'. Does 'the wife' understand the lifting?

Do you talk to your gym buddys about lifting?

David said...

I'll do a post about it soon. No, not many people get it. Most people do what you do. Pick the weight up, let gravity do its job then put them down.

I think runners have a similar experiance. When you get into that perfect rythm and running becomes an effortless event that you are aware that you are doing but its almost like you're watching yourself doing it instead of actually making yourself do it.

Make sense?

Time Traveller said...

Yeah it definately does make sense. I suppose because the length of time involved in lifting a weight I assume isn't that long you wouldn't have much time to think?

But it's interesting what you say about meditation. I compared the state of mind to hynotic. Sometimes I finish a run and can't remember anything I thought about. It's not always like that though.

Well you made me think about something new today - this is what I love about blogging. This is what non bloggers don't understand :) (like the running and lifting).

Jen said...

Mine's done.