April 09, 2008

Crying Foul

Oh blogger, how you tease me so...

I was very excited when blogger added the feature that allowed new comments to be forwarded to my email. No longer did I have to check blogs to see if my comments were responded to. Then yesterday it all stopped. Not just comments on other people's blogs but the comments coming in on my blog as well. WTF!??

Of course it could be a Yahoo issue but other emails did get through. Bloggers emails seemed to be the only ones MIA. So it's back to the old way of doing things. I hate when a convenience is suddenly taken away. It has left me wondering though... Where the hell are all those emails being sent?! Who has my comments and what the hell do they want with them? It's not fair, it's not right.

If blogger wasn't free I'd really be upset but that's not stopping me from crying foul.



Daughter of Night said...

You find the coolest little graphics for your blog!

I didn't even realize that had been changed... now I'm gald or I'd be ranting with you! :-)

David said...

Thanks :)

It's not suppose to be changed. It's still suppose to work! Oddly enough your comment WAS sent to my inbox. *scratches head* Strange...

GAH! Now I think they're trying to make me look like a liar >:(

This is really pissing me off! The fact remains, there are many comments that have never hit my inbox and are floating around... out there... somewhere. :|

Jen said...

I've been having mine mailed to me for a while and sometimes they don't show up for a day or two.
It seems to just be a fluke.

For me, it use to happen with Daughter ALL the time. I'd look back and there'd be a comment from her that I never responded to, but I didn't know it was there because I got email notifications about everyone else's except hers.
It is a big Grrrr.

Jen said...

I like your song. --------->

David said...

Now blogger is just screwing with me. I got TWO emails for each comment you just made. Not that that's a bad thing ;)

Something about that song just screams blogging. Thanks for pointing me to the site that had it. :) I've been wanting to post it for about a year now. It was driving me crazy that I couldn't post songs without video.

Anonymous said...

The nerds were bored yesterday.

David said...

ok, but why pick on me? :)


Daughter of Night said...

I'm the stealth blogger. That's why my comments don't get sent to your inbox. It's all part of my plot to take over the world.


David said...


Remember, I've already signed up to be one of your knights when you're successful.

Don't forget us little people ;)

Jen said...

I could help with that too, Daughter. People eating my baked goods get remarkably slower, and slow people are easy to overtake!