April 22, 2008


There goes my 'Father of the Year' award.

Tonight I happen to catch my oldest son with his finger up his nose. Now I know this is common behavior for a seven year old but as the parent I felt the need to say something. Mainly because I don't want to see it. So I reached over and pushed his hand away from his face.

Well my son thought this was funny and placed his finger right back in his nose. So again I reached over and pushed it away. He looked at me and proceeded to place it back in his nose as he howled with laughter. I was laughing too at this point. Once again I reached over to push his hand away but he was ready for me. Before I could get to his hand he jerked his head away from me with his finger still in his nose. All this wouldn't have been a problem except we were riding in our Mule, doing no less than 15 mph, on an asphalt road.

So as my son jerked his head he slipped off the seat. It took a moment to realize what had happened and by the time I did he was out of my reach. All I saw was him fall into a superman position as he flew off of the mule. To my horror the left side of his upper body landed on the floor board of the mule then he fell to the asphalt road. This was actually a blessing in disguise as it broke his fall and bounced him away from the mule, keeping it from running him over.

When I stopped the Mule and looked back he was up and walking to me. He was crying and asking me what to do? He was also asking why I pushed him? I DID NOT PUSH HIM. He was surprisingly calm on the way back to our house considering the amount of blood that started showing up. That lasted right up until we got back to the house and he caught sight of the wife. Then the tears ran like rain.

The damage? A skinned knee, lip, nose, chin, elbow, hand, finger, toe and a chipped front tooth and a broken daddy's heart. Forecast until the scabs heal? Frosty :(


Jen said...

Awww babe!

Scary stuff but thankfully he was okay! We know you didn't push him. He knows it too!
*big hug*

Anonymous said...

Why would you do that to your own son! You make me sick. :P

Time Traveller said...

aw :( poor thing. Bye him ice cream I've heard it solves everything :)

Daughter of Night said...

I'm sorry, RT. I am morally and in all other ways reprehensible. Once again, I can't stop laughing.

I'm really glad your son is okay!!! That could have been a whole lot worse than it was... but it wasn't (which is the important thing), and there are valuable lessons learned this way that can't be learned by any less violent means. Especially by boys. And men. :-)

SOmeday I'll tell you the story of how I "allowed" our youngest to fall down the full flight of stairs when she was only 4 months old and how frosty the forecast was until Karma stepped in.

Yup... I've said it before and I'll say it again... parenting ain't no place for sissies!!

I'm glad he's okay. I'm glad you're okay.

David said...

Jen: Thanks, At least someone believes me. Yeah he knows too... after I pointed out he wasn't holding on. He wasn't holding on because his finger was up his nose.

Darren: tit! :)

TT: Yes, buying them off with ice cream works every time.. almost. :(

Daughter: It's always a little funny when someone gets hurt picking their nose. I would say he learned a few lessons. Now I just hope he doesn't go to school and say something that will bring Child Services to the house for a visit. :o

As for letting your 4 months old fall down the stairs, it sounds like something I might do but no way is mom going to allow that. That's what moms do, they cuddle... Hey, hold on, you're the mom. Was dad the cuddlier? ;)

I can't wait to hear the story. :)

Jen said...

Did you just call Darren a "tit"?!

Anonymous said...

I believe he did. TT started it, and now its spreading.