April 29, 2008

Sneak Peeking

There is a guy at my gym, about my age, who brings his wife to work-out with him. Well, she doesn't actually work-out with him, rather she works-out at the same time as him.

I've noticed that he keeps his distance from her the whole time they are there. Between his sets he watches all the other guys in the gym to see who's watching his wife. He also tries to listen to see if anything is being said. She has a lot to look at too. She always wears extremely tight fitting clothes. It's amazing nothing falls out during her training. She is in phenomenal shape. She has curves in all the right places if you know what I mean.

I actually think this guy is getting off on seeing people ogle his wife. I guess she likes the attention as well. Do I look? Of course I do. It would be hard not to. Hey, if you stick it out there for the world to see, I'm part of that world. And, it's apparently what they both want.

Of course I don't let them see me looking. I won't give them the satisfaction of playing their little game. I'm no pervert after all.


Time Traveller said...

LOL! The games!

I think it's sexy to think that other people find my partner attractive :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe they are hunting for a 3rd party in their threesomes. :D Why not test the water. :P

Jen said...

How is it your "no pervert" but you and I are still friends?!

David said...

TT: So you plan on dressing your future husband up in tight pants and parading him around in public? :)

I think it's weird to be in a room with your wife and pretend like you don't know her but that's me.

I got caught once in a little game like that a long time ago at the gym. Live and learn.

Darren: NOT that I would but if I did it wouldn't be with another DUDE and a girl! lol

Jen: LOL, I'm no pervert because I know how to use the mirrors in the gym to see what I want without getting caught looking. Why else would they put so many mirrors in a gym?

Daughter of Night said...

LOL. At least you recognize it for the game it is.

I wonder what's going to happen in their relationship when she's my age and no longer anything really interesting to look at (or maybe it will take a bit longer for her). :-)??

David said...

I would guess she is about your age. I heard her tell someone she works-out twice a day. So I guess it will take awhile. (not that I was eavesdropping or anything)By then they might be on to a different kind of kink.

And, I hope you're not insinuating that you're not interesting to look at. Unless a lot has changed since the last time you posted a picture, you have a long time before people stop looking your way. ;)

Daughter of Night said...

Flattery, as always, will get you everywhere!! :-)

Sheesh, twice a day. If you ask me, that's pretty extreme. But of course, I'm not depending on it for my sex life, either. :-)

I hope they have other things that they value in each other. They can do whatever they need to do to get their jollies, but I really hope there's more to the picture than that. And if this is an every day thing, I gotta wonder....

David said...

I always wonder *nod*