May 21, 2008

Living Dangerously

I decided to get a bowl of ice cream the other night. I asked The Wife if she wanted some. She informed me there was no ice cream to be had. So much to her surprise, I pulled out a gallon from the back of the freezer.

The Wife: Oh, that is very, very old. You can't eat that. It will make you sick.

Me: How old?

The Wife: Old enough. I can't remember the last time I bought ice cream.

I really really wanted some Ice cream. WHAT TO DO????

I ate it of course. I was just careful to scoop it from the middle (I have no idea why I thought that would make any difference). Then I spent all night wondering about every little rumble in my stomach.

Yep, I'm a crazy wild man. I live right on the edge.


Jen said...

Aside from the freezer burn, I don't see it making you very sick.
Congrats for getting some ice cream... now I want some!

David said...

:) Yeah, but I didn't know that. So it was like licking a rattle snake or something :P

Daughter of Night said...

Oh, you rebel.

That's so hot.


Anonymous said...

I could use some ice cream now. Might help with the hangover.

Time Traveller said...

LOL! I bet licking a rattle snake is an afrodisiac in some countries. I wonder if its the same for very old ice cream.

Jen said...

Rattlesnake flavored ice cream.
You dangerous boy.