June 25, 2008

Per Darren

Darren posted a nice piece about bikes. He asked if anyone else had any stories about the bikes they had owned. While I can't think of any interesting stories, his post did bring back some memories. I can hardly think of my childhood without an image of me zipping through my neighbored on my bike. Good times.

Darren had the ability to remember most of the bikes he owned but I can not. Mostly because I rode a lot of my brothers hand-me downs. When we did get a new bike we took parts off of our old bike and mixed them together so they are all a blur to me. I did find this picture of me on my bike with a super cool banana seat. I'm the little guy.

My favorite bike story has to do with my brother. We lived next to a very small hill. We used the hill to gain speed to jump ramps we would build on our road in front of our house. I think I was about six years old when my brother built a ramp out of plywood and bricks and started jumping it. Of course I had to do it too.

Just like My brother I started at the top of the hill and got as much speed as I could. When I hit the ramp I yanked on my handle bars to get extra lift. Boy did I soar threw the air. What I didn't know was that my brother had loosened the nuts on the front wheel of my bike. So when I left the ground my front wheel stayed on the ground.

I can still remember looking down and not seeing the wheel under the fork of my bike. I also still remember the horror I felt knowing I was going to land on asphalt and I couldn't do anything about it. A crash, flip and few cuts and scrapes later I was chasing my brother around the yard trying to clobber him. Good times in deed.


Anonymous said...

LOL. Brothers, who'd have em.

I always wanted a bike with the big handlebars. Never had one, and wouldn't dream of cycling one now.

Jen said...


That's heinous!!!
But makes for a great story a lifetime later.

Daughter of Night said...

I love your jaunts down Memory Lane. :-)

I am nostalgic now, as well!

I can remember all my bikes, because I've only had three. And only one was my go-everywhere, do-everything trusted companion through rain, sleet, snow, and shine.

I miss my bike.

Thanks for posting this, and to Darren for the idea!

Daughter of Night said...

By the way, you didn't have to tell us that you're "the little guy." You still look much the same. :-)

David said...

Aw C'mon Darren! Use a big chopper handle barred bike in your triathlon. Set a trend. :D

Jen: Lifetime? I'm only forty. The picture IS in color you know. lol

Daughter: We went everywhere on our bikes too. Sad my kids won't be allowed to experience that. Too many f'n weirdos out there :(

I didn't want anyone to think I was my brother. You know the wheel loosening jerk. ;)