August 27, 2008

Dancing With Angels?

We enrolled my three year old daughter Abby in her first dance class this week. I was really excited about it because of how much she dances around the house. She seems like she's going to be a natural at it.

Yesterday, The Wife dressed Abby up in her absolutely adorable ballet outfit and took her to class. Anxious to see how she did I called The Wife to check. Apparently there are no windows looking into the dance room and parents aren't allowed in. I can understand what they're getting at. The child will be less distracted without people moving around but the whole point of a three year old in a dance class is to see them dance. Now, all cute and clumsy.

That was a problem but not the real problem. After the first class The Wife was told that each class starts with a prayer and bible study. A copy of the bible study would be sent home each week. What the...? Now I have no problem with religion, bible study or prayer, I just didn't expect to be paying for bible study when I sent my child to DANCE CLASS. If I wanted to send my child to bible study I would send her to, hmmm, I don't know... church maybe?

Now I can't get the image of her dancing around a burning bush or toe tapping through the Last Supper. Why do these people torture me so? Why can't dance just be dance? Oh well, on a more positive note we're thinking about enrolling my middle son in swimming/baptism classes next summer.


Time Traveller said...

What if the child doesn't want to learn about God?

David said...

LOL, Where I live that thought would never occur to them. To be honest, they probably wouldn't want her in the class if they thought we didn't want her to participate in bible study.

Anonymous said...

What happens if your Muslim?

Here it would be against the law not to allow your child be supervised. At least you can ask her to show you what she learned at home.

David said...

It never occurs to these people that everyone is not a Christian. I believe that teaching bible study is a sales tool for them. Hey look at us we're a "Christian dance school". Around here people assume if they are dealing with "good Christian people" they are dealing with someone they can trust.

They're nice people, if a Muslim came to class they would bend over backwards to make them feel welcome. But, in my opinion, they would see it as huge opportunity (and obligation) to expose the Muslim to the Christian faith.

Jen said...

Swimming and baptism is the best!

On a similar note, my "health and fitness" class also has a fair amount of "find your spirtual path or you'll be less healthy" type hype going on. I wonder about the true atheists. Do they get cancer and die at 30?!

I hope Abby enjoys her classes regardless of the sacrifical lambs that are sure to come! ;)

Daughter of Night said...

Hmmmm. Closed doors, no windows, and Bible study.

The thought sends a shudder up my spine. I'd have yanked my kid out of that class at the speed of light as soon as I found out.

Granted, keeping the parents out is the right way to go - I taught pre-school vocal music for many years and the parents are not only a distraction, but a detriment to class. Seems strange that it should be that way, but it is.

However, NO ONE gets to "lead" my child down a "spiritual path" without me knowing EXACTLY what kind of brainwashing is going on. *I'm* the only one allowed to brainwash my children. Period.

David said...

Jen: I guess it's the whole CAPTIVE audience thing. I say if you have to sneak your message in an alternate activity, it must be a weak message.

sacrificial lambs HA! :)

Daughter: That was her first class and she hasn't been back. We are looking for another class. We picked that one because we have friends who's children have been through it or are in it. Funny they never mentioned the religious studies. They do send home what they are teaching but still...

and I'm PAYING FOR IT! lol

My children are too damn stubborn to brainwash. :D